Power BI Pro License usage based on Operations performed by Users

  • hi Friends,


    Create a query or Power BI report/dashboard that displays users, their Pro License operations usage in a 2 months time frame.

    Example: Consider the below table data

    Here user John had a Pro License but he performed view operation more times which can also be performed with a Premium License. For View operation, he doesn't need a Pro License. So, based on the operations field in the above table, we need to create a report which displays the % of Pro Usage by a user in a time period.

    Can anyone please provide a query to achieve this?

  • Sharing a report does not require a PRO license only - only PUBLISHING a report to a server requires that licensing.

    Assuming you are talking about using powerbi on cloud - have a look at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/power-bi/admin/service-admin-auditing of how to get the information out.


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