Port configuration in firewall for SSRS

  • My intension is to expose my reports to internet. (user can access to my reports when they simply navigate my report URL)

    For that I have to do port forwarding.

    Some of the firewall configuration is pointing to open port 1433 (for SQL Server) and 1434 (for SQL browser) inside router setting.

    But I am still confused about port 80 and 443. Why not open those instead of the above two?

    Can someone kindly explain me on this?

  • Port 1433 is your port for accessing your SQL data, and the altter for being able to browse to it (pointless in our internet environment, but i don't recommend it). Port 80 is your standard http port and 443 is your https. Opening 1433 means ANYONE could connect to your SQL Server from anywhere with the right credentials. That is BAD. You should be opening port 80 and port 443 only.

    As I said in my previous post, I don't recommend you doing to port forwarding yourself, it's clear you don't have the expertise (I don't mean to be rude, but more of a precaution as you could be doing more harm than good), and you should rely on your network administrator to do so (I also like to call it delegation and "responsibility aversion" 😉 ).


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • Alright Thanks for the info as well as the reminder. ThomA~. It is quite risky. I choose not to do it without network admin ,rather , I will try to figure out in other way. :pinch:pinch:

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