please help to convert column to row in sql

  • Hi I have table like

    customerid 101


    gender Male

    married Y

    customerid 102


    gender Male

    married Y

    customerid 103


    gender Male

    married N

    But I want the result set like below

    customerid customername gender Married

    101 ram Male Y

    102 sham Male Y

    103 tom Male N

    Please help to do this. If the script for dynamic columns is more appreciate.

  • Could you please provide DDL (create table), sample data (as insert script) and expected output from that sample?


  • Can you provide more information please, I dont fully understand what the problem is?

  • You have to remember that tables are sets and therefore inherently UNORDERED. You cannot depend on the presentation order to produce your desired results and there is no field that we can use to either link or order your records to reliably produce your desired results.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • You got yourself into trouble because your table isn't normalized. This is just a bad way of storing data. Now assuming you had a unique ID per person in that table you could use a cross tab to do what you want. Note how I created the sample data. In the future please add that with your question and you will see a huge difference in how people will be willing to help. Welcome to the forums, cheers!

    DECLARE @myTable TABLE (ID INT, SomeKey VARCHAR(50), SomeValue VARCHAR(20))

    INSERT INTO @myTable

    VALUES (1, 'customerid','101'),(1, 'customername','Ram'),(1, 'gender','Male'),(1, 'married','Y'),(2, 'customerid','102'),(2, 'customername','Sham'),(2, 'gender','Male'),(2, 'married','Y'),(3, 'customerid','103'),(3, 'customername','Tom'),(3, 'gender','Male'),(3, 'married','N')

    SELECT * FROM @myTable



    MAX(CASE WHEN SomeKey = 'customerid' THEN SomeValue END) AS CustomerID,

    MAX(CASE WHEN SomeKey = 'customername' THEN SomeValue END) AS CustomerName,

    MAX(CASE WHEN SomeKey = 'gender' THEN SomeValue END) AS Gender,

    MAX(CASE WHEN SomeKey = 'married' THEN SomeValue END) AS Married





    SELECT quote FROM brain WHERE original = 1
    0 rows returned

  • does the relate to your previous question

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

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