PK and FK relationship with missing record

  • Two prblms: When I insert via a begin tranx block, one of my tbls t_report is not getting their record inserted. (Note, this happens to about one / 1000 records per day, also no error is reported. This in turn is creating my other problem; which is when I am trying to select a record from t_account, and the corresponding fk is missing; the behavior is as if the record does not exist.

    t_acct has a PK key which corresponds to the FK in t_report. Note, the original programmer set this relationship up, which does not seem to be needed.

    I would like to remove this relationship; I currently have @ 300k records created with this relationship. Can I remove the FK property?

  • quote:

    Two prblms: When I insert via a begin tranx block, one of my tbls t_report is not getting their record inserted. (Note, this happens to about one / 1000 records per day, also no error is reported. This in turn is creating my other problem; which is when I am trying to select a record from t_account, and the corresponding fk is missing; the behavior is as if the record does not exist.

    t_acct has a PK key which corresponds to the FK in t_report. Note, the original programmer set this relationship up, which does not seem to be needed.

    I would like to remove this relationship; I currently have @ 300k records created with this relationship. Can I remove the FK property?

    1st problem:

    do u do inserts on the two tables in one tran block? verify whether ur rollback stmt is placed correctly.

    use outer join if you want to see values from a table joined to another table without matching keys.

    2nd problem:

    you can remove your FK by altering the table, but i dont think thats a good idea.

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