
  • create table tempdocinfo (irecordid int,

    instrument_type_abbreviation varchar(250),

    sbooktype varchar(250),

    sbookno varchar(250),

    pageno varchar(250),

    recording_suffix varchar (250),

    recorded_date varchar(250),

    Chain varchar(250),

    party varchar(250),

    property varchar(250))

    create table tempgrantor (irecordid int,

    partyid int,

    Last_Name varchar(250),

    grantorfirst varchar(250),

    grantormiddle varchar(250))

    insert into tempdocinfo values (1, 'R', NULL, NULL, NULL, '2440774', '2011-09-01', 'false', 'false', 'true')

    insert into tempgrantor values (1, 1, 'GITTINGS', 'JAMES', 'S')

    insert into tempdocinfo values (2, 'DT', NULL, NULL, NULL, '2440846', '2011-09-01', 'false', 'false', 'true')

    insert into tempgrantor values (2, 2, 'ANDERS', 'JEANETTE', NULL)

    insert into tempgrantor values (2, 3, 'ANDERS', 'KENNETH', 'D')


    I Need the output as follows:

    irecordid recording_suffix, grantorFirst1, last_name1, granterFirst2, last_name2,... granterFirstn, last_nameN



    I wrote the following query but it's giving me rows in multiple lines for which there are multiple grantors. I need all granters to be in same line, either in separate columns or concatenated as one column (separated by any character)

    select td.irecordid, td.recording_suffix,

    tg.grantorfirst, tg.last_name

    from tempdocinfo td

    inner join tempgrantor tg

    on td.irecordid=tg.irecordid




  • This is a good little trick if you want all values concatenated for a related ID:



    ,grantors =


    select ', ' + tg.grantorfirst + ' ' + tg.Last_Name

    from dbo.tempgrantor as tg

    where tg.irecordid = td.irecordid

    order by tg.Last_Name, tg.grantorfirst

    for xml path ('')), 1, 2, '')

    from dbo.tempdocinfo as td

    If you need the values broken into different columns that is possible but takes a different approach.

    └> bt

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  • Thank you. This is very handy trick. Will learn more about xml 🙂

  • bteraberry (10/31/2011)

    This is a good little trick if you want all values concatenated for a related ID:



    ,grantors =


    select ', ' + tg.grantorfirst + ' ' + tg.Last_Name

    from dbo.tempgrantor as tg

    where tg.irecordid = td.irecordid

    order by tg.Last_Name, tg.grantorfirst

    for xml path ('')), 1, 2, '')

    from dbo.tempdocinfo as td

    If you need the values broken into different columns that is possible but takes a different approach.

    The example, while good, is missing a "final touch": if the text in the columns contains any of the xml-prohibited characters like for example &, < and > these will be escaped as & amp ;, & lt ;, and & gt ; (without the spaces, I added these here to avoid the forum software replacing the escape sequences by the original character). The same example that does handle these characters correctly:




    select ', ' + tg.grantorfirst + ' ' + tg.Last_Name as [text()]

    from dbo.tempgrantor as tg

    where tg.irecordid = td.irecordid

    order by tg.Last_Name, tg.grantorfirst

    for xml path (''), type).value('.','varchar(256)'), 1, 2, '') as grantors

    from dbo.tempdocinfo as td

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    Posting Performance Based Questions - Gail Shaw[/url]
    Hidden RBAR - Jeff Moden[/url]
    Cross Tabs and Pivots - Jeff Moden[/url]
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    If you don't have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over?

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