Pet Peeves

  • Hey Sandman,


    People who put on their emergency flashers when it rains. I can see that it's raining, thank you very much. So turn off your flashers, put out your cigarrette (use the ash tray ), hang up your cell phone, and just drive please.

    just a note on this. I too was agrevatied by this recently and found that this is considered norm by the law in most sattes. During heavy (and I mean heavy) rain or fog a driver is considered following safety proceedures in those conditions. Try driving thru Atlanta, GA (USA) during heavy rain and just count how many you don't see with flashers and that is how many non-residents there are.

  • quote:

    Hi rainmaker23,


    5. People who drive their cars as if gas DIDN'T cost $1.50/gallon.

    so what's you problem ??????

    If I remember right, a gallon is some 5 litres or so, right?

    This morning I paid 1.21$ per litre



    Not quite, To convert from Gallons to Liters, multiply the number of Gallons by 3.79.

  • My Pet Peeves:



    - Who create their own objects.

    - Who don't write comments in their stored procedures.

    - Who think they're the DB owners.

    - Who play Quake2 and don't include the DBA Team



    - Who don't patch their servers.

    - Who don't have a checklist.

    - Who don't know what is going on when and where in their platform.

    - Who play Quake2 in job hours and don't include the DBA team.

    - Who reboot DB servers without asking anybody.



    - Who reboot the servers asking everybody.

    - Who don't comment anything.

    - Who don't divide development and production environments

  • James,



    My hero on this point is Harlen Ellison. He had the nerve when a person threw their cigar out the window at a curb to toss it back into their back seat.


    Do you mean HarlAn Ellison, the SF (and more) writer?

    Just curious; I remember this book he edited called "Strange tales..." or some such. It had experimental stories by Philip K Dick, Greg Bear, etc.

    I lost the book and really want to find it again; mainly for the PKD story...

    Signature is NULL

  • OK, never mind. Found the book online (took a lot of searching, for some reason).

    It's called "Dangerous Visions" (1967) and I highly recommend it for SF and/or trip (ta) fans.

    Signature is NULL

  • Ok a lot has been hit here but I will add some myself...

    Administrators who setup automated firewalling detection and filter out the vendor sites who provide your computer equipment, virus software and paging service.

    People bi&^%ing about copyright laws and how their evidence at a Las Vegas conference prooves (darn word) it and that people who poinn out the code came from somewhere else, after having to change from a greek font to normal text, and a legal right was given that this supports the cause of the bi&^%er (SCO can kiss my glass, at least until they can get their sotry straight and know what they are talking about).

    RIAA, not because I have pirated MP3s but because they are morons and as pointed out they screw the artists over anyway, especially if they write their own songs. This money will only go to the companies and their lawyers and many a 12-year-old will have to file bankruptcy papers. (gotta poke fun here).

    People who get in the left lane and decide rights as they get to their turn they need to be turning right (I hit you expect someone to have a good sized medical bill, and I don't mean me).

    People who grip about SUV's but have huge cars like lincolns, or trucks like RAMS or even mininvans that get worse gas mileage than my SUV or those don't even take the time to combine trips as much as possible when they drive even if their car is supposed to be economical (make 4 10 mile drives instead of 1 15 mile and you can kiss my glass).

    Bands whose biggest hit is a remake of someone elses song.

    Buying a CD for $15 and can only stomach 1 song on it (I get a refund or 11 freee MP3s for the other 11 songs I paid for right, fortunately I missed Metallica and the St. Anger album).

    COmpanies that given 10 different titles to a position that does exactly the same thing then attaches a scaled value which in each is different and give you the least and say that is market (I am listed as a software programmer but recently foudn the DBAs make more than I do and I do our DBA crap, sorry boss if you read this but I haven't hid my disappointment).

    Developers who let management decide the milestone dates and don't tell them they are cray and give a better assesment.

    People who request a project and want it done by a specific date but won't respond to your email untila day or two after that date to give details.

    People who complain everytime a process fails and claim it as theirs whent it doesn't and saves money somewhere.

    People who ask you to do the same thing for them every month in an application because they are too d@m^ lazy (stupid) to remember the key combination for 2 keys.

    People who don't have a business case for a request and the managers who say it will be done.

    People who tell you to create a specific process then after testing and rollout they say it doesn' do any of the stuff they asked for.

    People who report on the same data with the same numbers 10 different ways and complain to you when the numbers don't match since they changed the criteria on 3 since they were first built.

    People who complain about people who complain. (Note I did not say about people who complain about people who complain about people who complain).

    People who complain you don't compramise on anything but admire the way you don't tell a customer it cannot be done and don't tell you anytime specific when this happens.

    That should suffice for now.

  • quote:




    My hero on this point is Harlen Ellison. He had the nerve when a person threw their cigar out the window at a curb to toss it back into their back seat.


    Do you mean HarlAn Ellison, the SF (and more) writer?

    Just curious; I remember this book he edited called "Strange tales..." or some such. It had experimental stories by Philip K Dick, Greg Bear, etc.

    I lost the book and really want to find it again; mainly for the PKD story...

    Yea, couldn't for the life of me remember if it was len or lan jsut now so I took len.

  • Yeah, he's a character alright! Seems like an incredibly inteligent guy, and he doesn't give a crap for what people think about him.

    Never realized until today quite how prolific he is...

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  • quote:

    Yeah, he's a character alright! Seems like an incredibly inteligent guy, and he doesn't give a crap for what people think about him.

    Never realized until today quite how prolific he is...

    Sounds like you have met him, if not you should. I am a comic book enthusiest (darn spell check never where you need it) and he was at a convention I attended several years ago. Got to talk to him afterwards and just was awesome. Have enjoyed his work on Babylon 5 most of all (don't know how good it would have been without his consulting).

  • Nah...never met him. Wish I could, though; he has an old reputation as a bit of a "anti-hero" with the SF establishment. He moved on pretty quickly, but he definitely shook up the field for the better.

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  • Antares, you need a beer. Be happy to buy you one when we get together some day.

    Interesting peeves. I too have no love for the RIAA and SCO, but also for most people that reach the top 1% of income in this world. They lose sight of the fact that money isn't everything and isn't even a measuring stick any longer. They'd do well to spend time worrying about other things than how much more $$ they want to make.

    Steve Jones

    The Best of SQL Server 2002 -

  • Steve,



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  • quote:

    Developers who let management decide the milestone dates and don't tell them they are cray and give a better assesment.

    Managers who ask whether we need any extra time, agree to give us the extra time, then tell the customer that we can deliver a week earlier than originally planned.


    That should suffice for now.

    Why? It looked as if you were just getting started!

    Thomas Rushton

  • Managers who think I am a f*****g fireman. You tell them 'disk nearly full', 'disk is really nearly full', 'disk is full', 'disk is f*****g full'. Then a user tells them and they run around like a headless chicken expecting someoneto sort it out. I mention preventative maintenance and they look at you 'vacant possession' and state that we don't have time as we have too much firefighting to do.

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • quote:

    Managers who think I am a f*****g fireman.

    I didn't know you worked here!

    Thomas Rushton

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