Permissions conundrum

  • Good Morning

    I am trying to move my production server to new hardware and upgrade to sql2000 from sql7.

    I am moving from NT operating system to windows2003.

    I moved the login information between the servers using sp_help_revlogin...and sp_change_users_login after restoring the databases.

    All the permissions appeared to match between the new and old servers but when I come to test I am getting permission denied errors on some tables.

    I checked the account involved and found that it is a member of the local group administrators on the NT server.

    I have added the same permission on the new win2003 box but it doesnt appear to have inherited the permissions.

    builtin\administrator account is in place on both the new and old server.

    Is there a change in behaviour between either sql or operating system security that would explain this?


  • Is it one account, like a sysadmin account?

    Have you checked for roles or perhaps some other changes that might have been made on one box you are not aware of? sounds like you did everything right, I'd double chcek to be sure you're not missing something that was changed by another.

  • Yes it is only one account I have found. I tried to run sp_cycle_errorlogs as the account on the old server and it tells me that only members of sysadmin can do this.


    ....I think the account is not sysadmin on either server. This is what enterprise manager shows.

    ....the account is builtin\administrator on both boxes (bol says that makes you sysadmin by default?!)...but not sysadmin.

    ...perhaps there is some alais to dbo setting on the old server that I havent picked up on. How would I check this?

    Am I still making sense?

  • BUILTIN\Administrators (Not BUILTIN\Administrator) is group account being granted to access SQL Server with 'sa' privilege by default. Anyone in local adminstrators group willl inherite 'sa' right.

    Which service account do you use to run SQL Server service?

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