Paying It Forward

  • The pay it forward phrase is very dear to my heart. I try to apply it in all my life not just my IT time. I am close, very close, to being 10 years past retirement. I am in a contract with a national supplier and I can honestly say I learn something new every day. When a problem or issue comes up the first question to ask is 'has anyone else had this and if they have did they solve it?' I could not survive if it wasn't for the likes of the #sqlfamily community. Keep it happening and I'll see you at the next SQL Saturday. Dave

  • I try to pay it forward (or is that repay it - I don't know because I cannot be bothered to keep track but if you have ever helped me then thanks!!!) whenever I can. Part of the reason is the too low average ability in the world of development, the other is that I am hoping that most people have the same attitude to believing it is best if we are all better (especially those that can answer my next issue that I am stuck on).

    One way I do it here at SSC is I track the PowerShell forum. I have known enough to help a few people out. That might have made their day. It certainly made mine. Maybe the next time I am on a forum I'll be posting a question...I hope that someone will be there to help!!!


    -- Stop your grinnin' and drop your linen...they're everywhere!!!

  • I totally believe in paying it forward.  Because of a presentation I saw in a user group, it open my eyes to a whole new world.  Actually, there wasn't a thing to be stolen from those slides that would have been useful in of itself, but it was the idea that made it worthwhile.  As the majority of presentations are oriented toward DBAs, I have focused my presentations toward developers and have received a great response.  Even if I get only one person out of a session that steps forward and tells me what they learned from my presentation, then it was completely worth the time, energy and effort of putting these presentations together and giving them.

  • During my career I have often found people who hoard knowledge, keep it all to themselves, like it makes them more important.
    I have always felt the best thing about gaining knowledge, is being able explaining it to others so they can understand.
    If someone steals my idea yes it hurts, but if it ends up coming to fruition I still win.

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