Pasting Query Results into XL from SSMS 2012

  • Previous to 2012, grid results from SSMS queries pasted into Excel beautifully and were easy to format.

    Things have changed.

    in 2008, The results from this query pasted into a spreadsheet with the query contained in a single Excel cell:

    (sample - not the whole script)

    select top 300



    ,convert(datetime,Last_execution_time) as Timestamp



    from dbadmin.dbo.History_CPU_IO_ByQueryAndSP

    This was wonderful. I could deliver to developers wonderfully tidy reports on query resource usage with timestamps

    along with which stored procedure the queries came from.

    Can't do that in SSMS 2012. Try it. It's a disaster. The Query_text, when pasted, spreads across

    multiple Excel columns, including the ones designated for other data. The result is totally unreadable.

    Try it. You'll see what I mean. Or see attached pdf.

    Does anyone have suggestions on how to make the query_text stay in it's own cell? I've tried converting

    query_text to varchar and ntext. Same results.

    As long as I still have some SSMS 2008 instances around I can do the reporting from there, but

    that's inconvenient and it will be going away someday.

  • Have tried text import wizard?

    I have to use it all the time, because Finnish decimal separator is , and I need to import all floats as text and convert all . to ,

  • Using the import/export wizard is time consuming and cumbersome. Frequently, it takes a few attempts

    to get it to work. It also assumes you know precisely what you want in your output.

    The beauty of SSMS and the way it allows tsql queries and scripts to run is that

    you can fiddle with the sql query fomat until you get results you like.

    Previously, you could highlight what you want, choose "copy with headers" an paste it

    into Excel. That is easy. It also seems likely that the same problems would be

    encountered with Export to Excel that I am complaining about here.

    My question has not changed. Is there a way to take the Query_Text from dbadmin.dbo.History_CPU_IO_ByQueryAndSP

    (which displays in a single cell) and paste it into a single cell in Excel? This is highly desireable. The last

    several versions of SQL Server made pasting query output into Excel easy. Import/Export wizard is in

    no way a substitute for easy-and-useful.

    Perhaps Convert or Cast can be helpful? Perhaps there are now hex characters in the result that can

    be replaced with spaces or nulls? There sure is something in that output that causes the content

    to misbehave.

  • Is it possible that you have line breaks in query text when script is executed 2012?

    Is there difference when pasting to excel for following query?

    SELECT 'This is line 1.' + CHAR(13)+CHAR(10) + 'This is line 2.'

  • Copy the SSMS Query into Notepad first. Then copy from there to Excel.

    I thought I broke something in Excel, good to know the cause is SSMS 2012.


  • Bug was reported for this on connect: SQL Management Studio output Copy and Paste or Save to CSV gives unexpected results

    Shawn Melton
    Twitter: @wsmelton
    Github: wsmelton

  • This isn't a pretty solution, but have you tried using REPLACE?

    select top 300



    ,convert(datetime,Last_execution_time) as Timestamp


    ,REPLACE(REPLACE(Query_text, CHAR(13), ' '), CHAR(10), ' ') AS Query_text

    from dbadmin.dbo.History_CPU_IO_ByQueryAndSP

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • Yes, that's exactly what I tried per hint from Ville-Pekka Vahteala . That helps a lot. That takes care of

    line feed and carriage return. Now I need a replace for horizonal tab and I think I'll be done.

    I am having a hard time finding the Char() value for the tab. Do you know that?

  • Is CHAR(9).

    You need to remember that Books On Line is your friend 😉

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • And here is the English link.

  • Ville-Pekka Vahteala (3/20/2014)

    And here is the English link.

    I'm sorry, sometimes I forget to change it.:-D

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • Books Online used to be my freind. Then I installed SSMS 2012 and Books Online disappeared into the

    Microsoft treasure-hunt abyss. It's over here. No, it's over here. Well, no, that's a link to the download

    of the doc that describes where to find the download of the ..................... I still don't know where to find it.

    BOL used to install quickly and easily onto my hard drive. Not any more.

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