Passing a where clause to a stored proc as a variable

  • Does anyone know how to pass a where clause into a stored procedure?

    for example ;

    create procedure sp_load_documents_into_folder

    @keywordlist nvarchar(4000),

    @conditions nvarchar(4000) = NULL


    declare @tablevar table(keyword varchar(9))

    declare @documentnumber int, @foldernumber int, @foldername varchar(50)

    set @foldername = 'temp folder' + cast((rand() *100000) as varchar(7))

    insert into folders (foldername, createdate) VALUES (@foldername, GETDATE() )

    insert into @tablevar select str from iter_charlist_to_table(@keywordlist, DEFAULT)

    If @conditions <> Null



      select distinct dn.documentnumber from docnumbers dn (nolock)

      inner join  DocKeywords dk (nolock) on dk.documentnumber = dn.documentnumber 

      inner join @tablevar tv on tv.str = dk.keyword_value

      where @condition and dn.docdeleted = 0

      OPEN docinsert

      fetch next from docinsert into @documentnumber

      while @@fetch_status =0


      insert into folder_items (workspaceid, folderid, documentid) VALUES (@folderid, 0,@docid)

      fetch next from docinsert into @documentnumber


      CLOSE docinsert

      DEALLOCATE docinsert





      select distinct dn.documentnumber from docnumbers dn (nolock)

      inner join  DocKeywords dk (nolock) on dk.documentnumber = dn.documentnumber 

      inner join @tablevar tv on tv.str = dk.keyword_value

      where dn.docdeleted = 0

      OPEN docinsert

      fetch next from docinsert into @documentnumber

      while @@fetch_status =0


      insert into folder_items (workspaceid, folderid, documentid) VALUES (@folderid, 0,@docid)

      fetch next from docinsert into @documentnumber


      CLOSE docinsert

      DEALLOCATE docinsert


    I would want to exec the sp as

    exec sp_load_documents_into_folder 'abc,def,abd,dek,gcc',"dn.documentnumber > 50"

    which would should insert rows into the folder_items table where the documentnumber is greater than 50.

    This does not work and returns an error of incorrect syntax near and on the "Where @condition and ..." line.

    Does anyone know what to do to rememdy this?

  • For dynamic SQL you'll need to use the exec command and treat the whole statement as a concatenanted string.


  • Exec robs me of the ability to share variables between the sp and the EXEC.

    Am I missing something?

  • What do you mean by "robs me"?


    It should be as simple as this:

    declare @sqlstring varchar(500)

    set @sqlstring = 'update sql code where '+@wherevar+'rest of sql code'


    exec (@sqlstring)

  • exec doesnt understand the table variable and wants me to declare it. Its assuming its a local.


  • Try using a temp table instead of a table variable.

    I just did a real simple test and it worked.

    Here's my quickie code:

    select *

    into #tmptest

    from test_table

    declare @sqlstr varchar(200)

    set @sqlstr = 'select * from #tmptest'

    exec (@sqlstr)

  • It still doesnt like it. Can you try adding the @conditions into your test and see if yuo get the same result. It may be something I am stupidly typing.

    Server: Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_load_workspace_for_publishing, Line 41

    Syntax error converting the varchar value 'DECLARE docinsert CURSOR FAST_FORWARD for...

  • Hmmm, that cursor complicates things.  Not sure of the error you're getting or why (whould have to see your code).

    However, what you might want to do is run the select into (another) temp table and then declare your cursor on select * from the new temp table.

    So it would be...

    --do code to prep data into first temp table

    declare @sqlstr varchar (500)

    set @sqlstr = 'select whatever into #tmp2 where'+@where+'whatever else'

    exec (@sqlstr)


    select * from #tmp2

    open docinsert


    Totaly untested and theoretically speaking, of course.

    The other thing, and truly the recommended approach, would be to refactor this code so that you don't use cursors.  If you've read anything around here, you know that cursors are (generally speaking) to be avoided.

    Alternatively, unless that "where" clause has to be completely configurable (which since you're doing an update is a big red flag). you might want to look at having a case / if switch with canned SQL rather than using dynamic SQL.

  • If you know of a way to eliminate the need for a cursor in this situation, that would be AWSOME. I havent figured out any way to get around it in this situation where I have to insert multiple rows with some common and some changing values.

    I'll hack at it and see if I can figure something out.

    Thanks for your Help Pam.   

  • Well. I'm trying but this isn't making any sense to me:

      select distinct dn.documentnumber from docnumbers dn (nolock)

      inner join  DocKeywords dk (nolock) on dk.documentnumber = dn.documentnumber 

      inner join @tablevar tv on tv.str = dk.keyword_value

      where @condition and dn.docdeleted = 0

      OPEN docinsert

      fetch next from docinsert into @documentnumber

      while @@fetch_status =0


      insert into folder_items (workspaceid, folderid, documentid) VALUES (@folderid, 0,@docid)

    Is @documentnumber supposed to be @docid?

    Also it looks to me (from names) that it should be values(0,@folderid,@docid).

    Give me a clear example and I should be able to come up with a way to eliminate the cursor.

  • My god the timeout on the message board is annoying. You cant even go back to recover what you have typed.

    The folder items column list should be (folderid, nodeid, documentnumber)

    all references to docid should be documentnumber. I was sloppy when obfuscating the example.


    I used what you said in a two stage process instead of one lump and was able to get it to work ; selecting the @tablevar into a temp table and then using it in the EXEC to extract the documentnumbers into another temp table, and then using that second temp table to run the cursor against allowed me to do what I was trying to achieve.

    I would still be interested to at least in concept know how to replace cursors for this kind of data inserts, if you would be willing to explain. 


    Thanks for your help Deb!

  • Here's a starting point for you:

    create table #tmpfolder_items

    (folderid int, nodeid int, documentid int)

    create table #tmpdn

    (documentnumber int, docdeleted int)

    create table #tmpdkw

    (documentnumber int,keyword_value varchar(20), docwhere int)    

    create table #tmptablevar

    (str varchar(20))


    declare @folderid int

    set @folderid = 1

    insert into #tmpfolder_items

        (folderid, nodeid, documentid)


        select  distinct





            #tmpdn dn

        INNER JOIN

            #tmpdkw dk          


            dk.documentnumber = dn.documentnumber

        INNER JOIN

            #tmptablevar tv


            tv.str = dk.keyword_value


            dk.docwhere > 2


            dn.docdeleted = 0   

    drop table #tmpfolder_items

    drop table #tmpdn

    drop table #tmpdkw

    drop table #tmptablevar

  • This error, somewhat erroneously reported as a "Syntax error":


    ....Server: Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_load_workspace_for_publishing, Line 41

    Syntax error converting the varchar value 'DECLARE docinsert CURSOR FAST_FORWARD for........


    Is what you get when you try to concatenate a string value and an integer.  In this case, it is not complaining about the syntax of the SQL expression, but rather the values that are in the concatenation operation.  The implicit conversion goes from varchar to int when mixing the two types, so you need to make sure that the int is cast to varchar.

    select 'a' + 1 will give you the same "syntax error" even thought it is not really a SQL syntax error, but rather an error in the data.

    IOW, find the uncast int, and that might fix your problem.


  • 5 casts added to that method resulted in no more syntax error and a second working method. Thanks Jeff!

  • Nobody pointed out to this poor soul that

    if @conditions Null

    won't work...

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