Passing a Session Variable into a URL

  • How do I pull a value that is stored in a session variable and put it in a URL so thatwhen the report is called the value is accurate?Example:My parameter value is in session("LocationID")in my url I want LocID=....

  • Can you provide more deatils? Are you calling the report service from an ASP.NET page?

  • Here's the scenario; I have a master page that holds a child page.  On the master page I want a menu choice that calls the report from the report service.  What I want to do is modify the menu choice so that the value it sends to the report service is that value of the child page currently being held in the master page. 

    When the page loads I store all the variables into session variables.  So If I can get the menu item to populate with a session value the problem is solved

  • From using the following example works just fine.

    http://SQL/ReportServer?%2fTrustSafekeepingReports%2fHoldingListForAccount&AccountID=" & AccountID & "&rcarameters=false"

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