pass value as a parameter from Tablix row to run a new report

  • Hi

    I have a Tablix in an SSRS report which contains a 'Number' field.

    eg: 0123, Some Text, Some Text, Some Text(with action applied to cell)

    I wish to use the number field as a parameter to run a separate report in a new pop up window when I click on the cell with the action assigned.

    I have got to this so far but errors when i try to run it and also the column in the Tablix that has the action assigned to it does not change to the action pointer when you hover over with the mouse.

    Does anyone have any ideas????? Thanks in advance.

    ="void('http://ncvm-sql47/Reportserver/Pages?%2fUlysses%2fReport3&rs:Command=Render&rc:Toolbar=false&num="+Fields!Number.Value+"', null, 'width=795, height=490, status=no, toolbar=no, menubar=no, location=no'))"

  • An Action doesn't show if the expression returns an error. If you create a new column and put your formula in the Value expression you'll probably see you are getting an error.

    Since, taking a wild punt here, Number is probably a numeric field you want to convert it to a string (i.e. Cstr(Fields!Number.Value) or Format(Fields!Number.Value, "0") ) before trying to concatenate it to the rest of the string. Could be something else up as well, but get the expression to display right in the text box then copy it into the Action expression and try it.


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