Parse, Convert, Convert back and Insert

  • I am trying to construct a query to parse out the Date in a string, then convert that result to a DATETIME, Then add 14 to that result. Once this is done I need to convert the resulted datetime back to a string and add it back into the end of a string.


    SELECT Descr

    FROM DayOfMonth

    The Result would look something like this "The Last Wednesday of February was 02/21/14'

    so far I have been able to parse this out by using this query:

    SELECT RIGHT(Descr, PATINDEX('%[0-9]%',Descr ) -34) AS DATE

    FROM DayOfMonth

    This Gives me the 02/21/14 I'm looking for. As a separate Query I know how to convert this to DATETIME SELECT CONVERT (DATETIME, '02/21/14',1)

    Then I would just add +14



    SELECT CONVERT (DATETIME, '02/21/14',1)

    ) + 14 AS DATE

    The last part would be to convert this back to string and insert it into another longer string

    EXAMPLE: 'The Date two weeks after last Wednesday of month is 03/07/14'

  • Hi

    You just need to CONVERT back once you've added 14 days, so 'some string' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), yourupdateddate,1)

    As a note, I would use the DATEADD function and make you pattern search more restrictive to avoid hitting numbers that aren't part of the date.

    So all up something like

    -- Couple of sample strings

    WITH SampleStrings AS (

    SELECT s1


    ('This is the 1st sample containing 12/03/14'),

    ('This is the 2nd one containing 02/21/14 with other stuff')

    ) S(s1)


    SELECT s1,

    'Some other string added to the beginning ' +

    -- convert back to varchar with same format


    -- add 14 days



    -- convert to date


    -- Parse out date component (must be mm/dd/yy)



    -- Note this pattern could still get invalid dates, but not numbers

    PATINDEX('%[01][0-9]/[0-3][0-9]/[0-9][0-9]%',s1), -- Find beginning of date

    8 -- Length of date (always 8 if format mm/dd/yy)





    FROM SampleStrings

  • Thanks for this, but i was unable to make it work with my query and DB. I finally asked my boss and he gave me this which worked. I am posting it here only so other people reading might like to see it.


    SET Descr = 'Report Period Ending '

    + CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),DATEADD(DD,14,CAST(RIGHT(Descr, PATINDEX('%[0-9]%',Descr ) -34) AS DATE)),1)

  • Really that isn't a great deal different from what I posted. My biggest concern is with the portion to parse the date out of the string. RIGHT(Descr, PATINDEX('%[0-9]%',Descr ) -34)

    The string provided in the original post

    The Last Wednesday of February was 02/21/14



    will fail with expression you provided results with 36 - 34 = 2 and RIGHT('The Last Wednesday of February was 02/21/14',2) returns 14.

    SELECT RIGHT('The Last Wednesday of February was 02/21/14', PATINDEX('%[0-9]%','The Last Wednesday of February was 02/21/14' ) - 34)

    If you always have the date at the end of the string and it is always in the format mm/dd/yy then you would be better to use RIGHT(Descr,8)

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