Paramterized stored procedure

  • Hi,

    I am trying to write a procedure where either the user could type the loan number and the name of the dealership comes up or they type some part of the dealership name and all the loannumber come up. Since there are some null values under the loanNumber column that is what I believe messing up, can somebody review the following below procedure and see how can we make it work

    ALTER PROCEDURE USP_Loan_Dealership_Reference


    @LoanNumber AS INT = NULL

    ,@DealershipName AS NVARCHAR(50) = NULL





    RIGHT (C.loannumber,7) AS [Loan Number]

    ,CH.OldDealerID AS [Old Dealer Id]

    ,CH.NameLong AS [Full Dealership Name]

    ,CH.MailingStreet AS [Mailing Street]

    ,CH.MailingCity AS [Mailing City]

    ,CH.MailingZip AS [Zip Code]

    FROM contracts AS C

    INNER JOIN Channels AS CH

    ON CH.channelid = C.branchid


    C.loannumber IS NULL OR C.loannumber = @LoanNumber

    AND CH.NameLong IS NULL OR CH.NameLong LIKE '%' + @DealershipName + '%'

    Order by [Full Dealership Name]


    EXEC USP_Loan_Dealership_Reference @DealershipName = 'Dream'

  • Are you looking for something more like this in the where clause?


    (@LoanNumber IS NOT NULL AND C.loannumber = @LoanNumber) OR

    (@LoanNumber IS NULL AND @DealershipName IS NOT NULL AND CH.NameLong LIKE '%' + @DealershipName + '%')

  • I am looking where user either enters the loan number and gets the name of the dealership or enters the name of the dealership and gets all the loans associated to it. Thanks

  • Did you try that where clause?

  • Personally I'd use an IF statement:

    IF @LoanNumber IS NULL AND @DealershipName IS NULL


    PRINT 'Both @LoanNumber and @DealershipName cannot be Null, a value must be entered for one of them.'


    IF @LoanNumber IS NOT NULL


    <SELECT statement to return dealership info>


    ELSE IF @DealershipName IS NOT NULL


    <SELECT statement to return all the loan numbers for the dealership>



  • IT works Awsum!!

  • Before you implement that, please read this:

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

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    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass

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