
  • Hi! I Need help.

    I have a report displaying monthly headcount, it has takes in two parameters '@StartPeriod' and '@EndPeriod' which are the reporting dates I would like my client to choose from. These dates get populated from the query. My problem is that when I try to preview this report I get an error :

    "The report parameter 'StartPeriod' has a DefaultValue or a ValidValue that dependends on the report parameter 'StartPeriod'. Forward dependencies are not valid"

    If I change the available values to non-queried and let the user type in the period it works. But I don't want the user to type in the period, I want them to select from available list.

    Please help

  • sawubona thato!

    if you look in your report parameters, look at your sequence of them? where is your date parameter, when you get an error regarding forward dependencies what it means is this parameter (your date) is dependant on another parameter and therefore you need to make sure that the one that the parameter that your date is dependant on is populated first. To do that you can do that by adjust the parameter sequence by putting the date parameter lower down than the parameter it is dependant on in your list of parameters.

    use your arrows to adjust the sequence

  • Ok. Got that sorted. I had to create a seperate dataset for that. Now my other question is:

    Why does this dropdown list have checkboxes and how do I remove them. I dont want my user choosing too many start dates or ended dates at the same time

  • you from SA thato?

    ok have you got the multi valued tick box checked in your parameters, cos that would cos you to have many dates.

  • From the question I assume that its not a cascading parameter so in your parameter page make the available values from the query and set the default value to null. This should leave you with a drop down list to select the date from . Unless there is something in the parameter query itself

  • Hi! Thank you very much.

    Yes I'm in South Africa. I work for Nedbank.

    Thanks for the question you asked. I removed the tick from multivalue and the check boxes disapeared and my report behaves in a way I want it to.

    Thank you for your help

  • sharp sharp Thato, im south african too!

  • Thanks everyone for your input. it was helpful

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