Page Break after inserting a Tablix/Matrix

  • Hi all

    Please can someone help me with a very strange problem. I'm very new to SSRS.

    I have a report in landscape with a header and footer. The page is in Landscape mode.

    After inserting a matrix which barely fills any space on the report, the report now goes onto 2 pages, with nothing but the header/footer on the next page. If I remove the matrix, it goes back to one page.

    I've tried changing the Can Grow setting to False, and changing the tablix property - 'Keep on one page' but nothing seems to work.

    Can anyone help me with this issue, it's driving me insane.

    Thanks in advance.


  • Is the 'add a page break after' option ticked in the tablix properties?

  • Hi - thanks for replying, no neither of the page break options are ticked. The only option that is ticked is 'Keep together on one page if possible'.


  • No problem, there's also page break tick boxes in the column & row groups properties at the bottom of the design page, check they're unticked too.

    Beyond that, make sure there isn't loads of white space between the tablix & header & footer.

  • Hi

    I have looked at both of them settings this morning, no page break options are ticked. I have very minimal space between the header and footer too. The tablix only has 4 columns, and takes up about 15% of the width of the page. I dont know what else I can try 🙁

  • I'm getting short on ideas myself!

    I can remember this happening when using visibility toggles with default to not visible, don't think that applies here though.

    What version of SSRS, Visual Studio/BIDS/SSDT and/or Report Builder are you using?

    Does it split to two pages when deployed to SSRS as well?


  • Hi - I'm using Visual Studio 2010, that's how I'm accessing the report builder. I havent deployed the report yet, I'm just building them at the moment. Forgive my newbieness but I'm assuming I am using the report builder in visual studio 2010?


  • That's fine, Report Builder is a separate thing to Visual Studio, but if you're using VS then it doesn't matter.

    I don't have the 2010 tools (and MS don't let you download them anymore!) & can't reproduce it in 2012.

    If allowed, you could upload the rdl file after removing any sensitive information including data source password(s) & I or someone else might be able to look at it then.


  • Wow that would be so helpful! Thank you so much.

    I have got the rdl file and the rdl data file - do you require both? How do I upload the report - via PM?

    This is much appreciated.

  • No problem.

    Just the rdl file I think the data file isn't an allowed file type - you can attach it here in the forum if you're happy for it to be publicly available, otherwise PM me.


  • Thanks Gazareth

    I've just PM'd you.

  • Hi Gazareth - I think I have sent you a PM - although it's not coming up in my sent items. Please let me know if I need to resend.

    Many thanks for this.

  • I had a similar problem and for me it worked to change the margins in report properties. The default value is 2cm (at least in Europe). Perhaps your tablix crosses into that defined margin and therefore your report comes up with an additional empty page.

  • Hi - thanks for replying, I changed all the margins to zero and it still did the exact same thing unfortunately.

  • I thought it was worth a shot. Assuming the size property of the report is attuned to the paper format you are using... I have no idea.

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