Overwriting Excel File with SSIS package

  • pduplessis-723389 (6/18/2008)

    Consider using a drop table/create table command, which will effectively delete the worksheet and replace this with a new one.


    I'm having the same issue and would like to try the solution you've suggested. What type of Control Flow Item should I use to try the drop/create for the Excel worksheet? I can't use the "SQL Exectute Task," can I?

  • Hi folks can you breefly explain me to export data to multiple sheets and every time of running package it gets refresh all sheets with new data

  • As suggested in the blog i have created my template Excel file in a certain location and was able to copy it to a destination folder using a file system task.I now want to populate the copied excel sheet with data from my stored procedure.I would greatly appreciate if some can help me with the steps that i need to do to achieve the task.As the copied excel sheet is getting created when i run the package how to set it as a path for my excel destination?

  • There is a quick way to do this but it involves editing your dtsx file directly. Make a backup copy of your package then open the original with a text editor (ie. notepad). Do a find for the word "Overwrite". Go to the end of the line and change the property value to true. This works for me.

  • What version of BIDS, Excel are you using? What version of SQL Server? I'm on SQL Server 2008 r2, Excel 2013 - I can't get this to work. I was able to Delete the content in the XLS - but then when the control flow tries to write output from SQL to the Excel destination (previously written to that same xls spreadsheet - but now deleted the tab content in a SQL Task) - the writing to Excel FAILS -- as the Excel "TABLE"/metadata/header row are now gone.

  • hi,

    please tell me how to export sql server single table into multiple excel sheets in single Excel file using SSIS package.(ex-have region column in source table and have to export data in destination as different sheets name like region1,region2 in same excel file.based on region column value it has to write the value in region1 and region2 and so on ..) also for each run by everyday new data should be inserted and old data has to be truncated.

  • mugilanoracle (11/29/2016)


    please tell me how to export sql server single table into multiple excel sheets in single Excel file using SSIS package.(ex-have region column in source table and have to export data in destination as different sheets name like region1,region2 in same excel file.based on region column value it has to write the value in region1 and region2 and so on ..) also for each run by everyday new data should be inserted and old data has to be truncated.

    Notice that this thread is years old. And since your question is not the same as what the OP asked I would suggest starting a new post to keep things cleaner. Especially if after all the replies here you were not able to find a solution.


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