Output Parameter question for Execute SQL Task

  • Hi SSIS experts,

    I have a Execute SQL Task that outputs a parameter User::RecCount. On the PostEvent of the task, I could see that the RecCount value was updated to 100 (BTW, the initialized value was -1).

    However, when I try to grab the RecCount from output Parameter in the next task, the RecCount was back to -1.

    Why didn't it keep the value as soon as it exit out the "Execute SQL Task"? How could I keep it?

    Sorry I don't know how to post images here. If you know the task, you know what I am talking about.

    Thanks in advance for any help!

  • Just to confirm, do you have only one variable User::RecCount or multiple variables with same name and different scope - one for Execute SQL Task and another for Package? If Yes then this is the reason.

  • I just have one RecCount Variable and I had set it to be global to the package level and initialized to 0.

  • Oh, no, i lied.

    Just checked again, you were indeed right!

    Can't believe that I made that mistake. I thought I checked.


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