Organizing files in Sql Server Management Studio projects

  • How do you organize files in SSMS? I currently have SSMS solutions with a few hundred stored procedures, plus scripts to test queries. I started out with them all lumped into one project, but then when initial development gave way to enhancements things got complicated. Do you group procs into projects named for similar functions? I have one project named "initial dev", one for "e-statement distribution", and such. Then there was a big push to reformat statements and reports, and that became "reformat statements", but it overlapped with the e-statement procs. Any suggestions to make it easier to find stuff?

    There is no "i" in team, but idiot has two.
  • You may need source control which you can get with MSDN license or you could store all stored procedures in the databases using the stored procedures. That usually means you only need to keep track of .sql files, if you are creating reports you could design the reports to run from Views and use seperate stored procedures for reports execution.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • You can use Visual Studio as a SQL editor

    This gives you greater control over the file structure of the solution and allows you to connect to a source control application (e.g. Visual Source Safe)

    If you have the full version of VS, not just the Business Intelligence version that ships with SQL Server, then you can add a connection to a database and execute your SQL from visual studio.

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