OPTION KEEPFIXED PLAN doesn''t work in IF statement?

  • Can anyone confirm that OPTION (KEEP PLAN) and OPTION (KEEPFIXED PLAN) shouldn't work as part of an IF statement? We reference a temp table in an IF statement (IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM #temp)) and we would like to use the KEEPFIXED PLAN option to prevent recompilations. It seems to work fine elsewhere in the procedure but gives a syntax error when in the IF statement. Setting a variable with a count(*) works, but that's a lot of code to change.

    Any ideas?

    Sample code:

    This works:

    DECLARE @blahint int

    CREATE TABLE #blah (blahfield int)

    SELECT @blahint = count(*)

    FROM #blah


    IF @blahint = 0


     SELECT 'table empty'


    DROP TABLE #blah

    This works:

    CREATE TABLE #blah (blahfield int)

    IF (

    (SELECT count(*) FROM #blah) = 0



     SELECT 'table empty'


    DROP TABLE #blah

    This doesn't work:

    CREATE TABLE #blah (blahfield int)

    IF (

    (SELECT count(*) FROM #blah OPTION (KEEPFIXED PLAN)) = 0



     SELECT 'table empty'


    DROP TABLE #blah

  • I wasn't aware the keep plan option resolved recompiles with temp tables. If the dataset is small I suggest you use a table variable.

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]The GrumpyOldDBA[/font]

  • The temp table is actually created outside the procedure, so it can't be a temp table variable. It would have to be a real table with some additional programming.

    That said, when you reference a temp table created outside the proc, SQL Server recompiles the proc-- or at least that statement-- at runtime no matter what (since it can't make heads or tails of it at compile time). So this won't really help my situation much, but it ought to work in the IF statement darnit.

    That said, yes, KEEP PLAN will remove the "alter 7 rows of a temp table and I recompile" logic and KEEPFIX PLAN will say "don't recompile this query for optimality reasons (only correctness reasons".

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