Opening a rowset for "A03210" failed

  • Hi all,

    I'm getting this error since this morning and can't find out why it happens. From what I saw on the internet, it seems that this error can arise in several different situations.

    So, my case ...

    A for each loop container encloses an "OLE DB Source" component followed by a "Data conversion" component, followed by an "Excel destination" component.

    This error happens in the "Excel destination" data file component. However the 2 components before are not processed, and the Exel file is generated with a correct sheet name, the correct column names, but without row (filename=A03210.XLS). For information, A03210 is the first parameter returned by the stored procedure in the OLE DB Source component.

    I first checked the stored procedure in the OLE DB Source but it appears that it is has not been processed at all ... that seems obvious from what I can see.

    So, I can't find out what the error message means in the "Excel destination" data file component.

    Any help would be much appreciated.

    Thanks ...


  • Oups, nobody replied yet ... it seems this error is hard to solve ... or maybe I'm not clear enough

    Please let me know ...

  • See attachments for the execution of the package

    Control flow - 001.jpg

    Data flow - 002.jpg

  • I narrowed down the problem which comes from Excel's spreadsheet creation. So I tried to use Flat File Destinations and it's much better!

    The problem I'm facing now is to dynamically create the Flat File Name according to the parameter passed to the Stored Procedure.

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