Open SQL Server Express in Access 2003

  • Is it possible to open or link to SQL Server Express in Access 2003?

    Thank you,


  • Norbert -

    Just create a data source on your machine to the SQL Express instance, then go to File, Get External Data, Link Tables. You should be able to use this as an ODBC data source.

    Also search for adp in Help.


  • Don't forget that you need the SQL Native Client installed in order for Access to ODBC into Sql 2005. The old SQL Server provider won't work.

  • - For some reason I am unable to create a System DSN.

    The SQL Server Express Database is stored on my C drive.

    I am trying to create a connection using SQL Native Client as the driver.

    I don't know what to use for the server name. "Which SQL Server do you want to connnect to?" The dropdown does not find any server.

    Thank you very much for your assistance.


  • I figured it out.

    I entered localhost\SQLEXPRESS for the server name. I was than able to create the connection.

    Greg and William thanks for your help!



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