Only return first matches per Id and calculate difference of dates in minutes

  • Hi,


    I have a the below table, from the result set I only want to see records where the StatusName has the values Draft and Submitted, and to return the first date based on the Id.


    I have included a Select Statement of the final result set I want it to return.




    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[RequestStatus](
    [Id] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
    [StatusName] [nchar](10) NULL,
    [CreatedOn] [datetime] NULL
    ) ON [PRIMARY]


    insert [dbo].[RequestStatus] values ('ABC001','Draft','2020-09-28 10:42:20.000')
    insert [dbo].[RequestStatus] values ('ABC001','Draft','2020-09-28 11:42:20.000')
    insert [dbo].[RequestStatus] values ('ABC001','Submitted','2020-09-28 13:42:20.000')
    insert [dbo].[RequestStatus] values ('ABC001','Submitted','2020-09-28 13:43:20.000')
    insert [dbo].[RequestStatus] values ('ABC002','Draft','2020-09-28 10:42:20.000')
    insert [dbo].[RequestStatus] values ('ABC002','Finished','2020-09-28 20:42:20.000')
    insert [dbo].[RequestStatus] values ('ABC003','Unknown','2020-09-28 10:42:20.000')
    insert [dbo].[RequestStatus] values ('ABC004','Submitted','2020-09-28 15:42:20.000')
    insert [dbo].[RequestStatus] values ('ABC005','Draft','2020-09-28 10:42:20.000')
    insert [dbo].[RequestStatus] values ('ABC005','Submitted','2020-09-28 12:42:20.000')

    1 as Id
    ,'2020-09-28 10:42:20.000' AS Draft
    ,'2020-09-28 13:42:20.000' AS Submitted
    ,DATEDIFF(mi,'2020-09-28 10:42:20.000','2020-09-28 13:42:20.000') AS MinDiff
    5 as Id
    ,'2020-09-28 10:42:20.000' AS Draft
    ,'2020-09-28 12:42:20.000' AS Submitted
    ,DATEDIFF(mi,'2020-09-28 10:42:20.000','2020-09-28 12:42:20.000') AS MinDiff

    MIN(CASE WHEN StatusName = 'Draft' THEN CreatedOn ELSE NULL END) AS Draft,
    MIN(CASE WHEN StatusName = 'Submitted' THEN CreatedOn ELSE NULL END) AS Submitted,
    MIN(CASE WHEN StatusName = 'Draft' THEN CreatedOn ELSE NULL END),
    MIN(CASE WHEN StatusName = 'Submitted' THEN CreatedOn ELSE NULL END)) AS MinDiff
    FROM (
    *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY Id, StatusName ORDER BY CreatedOn) AS row_num
    FROM dbo.RequestStatus
    WHERE StatusName IN ('Draft', 'Submitted')
    ) AS query1
    WHERE row_num = 1
    HAVING COUNT(*) = 2

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) A socialist is someone who will give you the shirt off *someone else's* back.

  • Here's an alternate way of writing the query.  I've been experimenting with windowing functions and I'm pretty sure, but not 100% certain, this is equivalent to Scott's query.  I would use his query instead of this tho because I'm more confident in that approach.

    ;with rs_cte(Id, StatusName, CreatedOn, Draft, Submitted) as (
    select *, min(case when StatusName='Draft' then CreatedOn else null end) over
    (partition by Id order by CreatedOn),
    min(case when StatusName='Submitted' then CreatedOn else null end) over
    (partition by Id order by CreatedOn)
    from #RequestStatus
    where StatusName in('Draft', 'Submitted'))
    select Id, Draft, Submitted, datediff(mi, Draft, Submitted) MinDiff
    from rs_cte
    where (CreatedOn=Draft
    or CreatedOn=Submitted)
    and Submitted is not null
    and Draft is not null;

    Aus dem Paradies, das Cantor uns geschaffen, soll uns niemand vertreiben können

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