One Million Posts

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item One Million Posts

  • I was sure it would have been Alvin!

    Thank you Steve and everybody. This is a great site and an extraordinary community of people.

    Keep up the great job.

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • Steve Jones - SSC Editor (10/7/2010)

    Yesterday SQLServerCentral crossed the 1,000,00 post mark

    Congratulations on a hundred thousand posts! 😉

    And yes Alvin, we are there now.

  • Hello!

    Thank-you so much for providing this platform. The site is very helpful - I cannot count how much I have learnt from here and the community associated with it.

    The community associated to the site is also very supportive, kind and open to thoughts and suggestions.

    I find this site & it's community to be a good friend and guide.

    Thank-you, once again!

    Thanks & Regards,
    Nakul Vachhrajani.

    Follow me on
    Twitter: @sqltwins

  • Hello every one,

    congratulation for crossed the million post 🙂

  • I would like to echo Nakul's sentiment.

    Thanks to everyone involved with SSC (posters and staff),

    Its a fabulous resource and ive learnt so much by reading and contributing to it.

    Clear Sky SQL
    My Blog[/url]

  • Many congratulations to all. It has been a wonderful experience of learning at SSC. Hope the pleasure ride continues.:-):-):-)

    Raunak J

  • There's no doubt this is a great resource, particularly for those of us fairly new to the caper, and I'm personally far richer for it. It would be good to know how the million is derived? The reason I ask is that if I have one small gripe it's the proliferation of completely vacuous posts (like most of mine:-)). You see the same culprits cropping up time and time again. I can only assume they do it for the points. Why waste your time otherwise? What's the point of ten posts a day that say nothing more than "Nice post Jeff", or "Good one Gail" or whatever? It just adds noise to the site. It's be good if there was a way of not awarding points to content free posts from serial offenders.

    Anyway enough of the grizzling. Well done SSC!

    ...One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that ones work is terribly important.... Bertrand Russell

  • Congratulations!

    SSC is a wonderful site and I have learned tons of things in the past few months.

    I'm certain I will still learn a lot more here at SSC.

    Keep up the good work!

    Need an answer? No, you need a question
    My blog at
    MCSE Business Intelligence - Microsoft Data Platform MVP

  • GPO (10/7/2010)

    What's the point of ten posts a day that say nothing more than "Nice post Jeff", or "Good one Gail" or whatever? It just adds noise to the site. It's be good if there was a way of not awarding points to content free posts from serial offenders.

    Because its nice for Gail and Jeff to know they are appreciated.

    --EDIT : Everyone who is not Jeff and Gail , your work is appreciated too 😉

    IMO a points based system leads to worse answers as people chase the points posting the easy answer.

    Issue such as pointing out poor design leading to scalablility issues are not addressed due to the 'gimme the points' answer.

    Clear Sky SQL
    My Blog[/url]

  • IMO a points based system leads to worse answers as people chase the points posting the easy answer.

    That's pretty much my argument! We seem to be in furious agreement. Ten "Well said, Steve" posts a day is what I'd call "chasing points with the easy answer". And in case Jeff and Gail were unsure, yes, your answers are hugely appreciated. I bet you get that a lot!



    ...One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that ones work is terribly important.... Bertrand Russell

  • Well done SSC! Kudos to all who have contributed to this site and helped innumerable people

    Pradeep Adiga
    Twitter: @pradeepadiga

  • Congratulation to cross one million post 🙂

    Whenever I want to learn something or face difficulty to solve the issue, my choice is to search in SSC - mostly I found the satisfactory result.

    All the contributors are highly supportive and always ready to help the others.

    Once again Thanks.


  • Congrats Steve and all who contribute here! I stumbled my way to this site about 5 years ago and have been a frequent visitor ever since.

    I wish my SQL skills and knowlege were better so that I could help others out at least as often as this site has helped me!

    In addition to the value of this forum, I find many of the featured articles are interesting and educational too.

    Thanks to all whom make this site so good!


  • Congratulations, Steve. (And to Brian and Andy, too!) I joined this site back in 2001 (I believe) and it led me to PASS, where I met incredible people who helped me develop further. I owe you a lot for introducing me to a wonderful community.

    Thank you.

    Allen White

    SQL Server MVP

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