On-the-fly schema changes with transaction replication. How to?

  • I have read the posts about "seamless replication"; but this process seems to be too manual.  My client's application changes the schema on the fly, so the database could be in any state at any time, depending on what user has run what software.  We are only replicating to one node, so at least the direction is always known; but how do I check for schema changes prior to each scheduled replication?  It is early yet, Monday morning, a holiday at that...  I've got a week to come up with a solution, and three weeks to make it work without intervention... and then one week to roll it out.

    Any suggestions would be appreciated.

    David Russell
    Any Cloud, Any Database, Oracle since 1982

  • Schema changes are not automatically replicated in SQL 2000 T-REP. So you would need to modify the code to include the appropriate commands before issuing the schema change.

    Dinakar Nethi
    Life is short. Enjoy it.

  • yes, that is why I asked the question "but how do I check for schema changes prior to each scheduled replication? "

    David Russell
    Any Cloud, Any Database, Oracle since 1982

  • You could run a "DIFF" between the databases, to identify difference between each table in your Publication Database and Subscription Database and output the results to a work table. Then perhaps run scripts that look at the work table of "diffs", and create scripts to modify your publications. Sounds a bit messy.

    Are the Publication & Subscriber Databases on the same server ?

    Here's some generic "DIFF" scripts I wrote that might be helpful. They show tables where colums attributes are different from 1 db to another, and also check for columns that are in one table, but not in the other .. ie ... dropped or added columns.


    --DATABASE "DIFF" using PRD and TRN databases
    -- 1) Write Table schemas for PRD database to work table
    -- 2) Write Table schemas for TRN database to work table

    -- 3) Write differences in existing columns to another work table
    -- 4) Look for columns not in PRD, but in TRN
    -- 5) Look for columns not in TRN, but in PRD
    -- AdninDB is a database to store the DIFF info.


    -- Dump out schemas for a database
    -- Create the work table if it doesn't already exist.


    table AdminDB.dbo.DB1_TableSchema (table_name [sql_variant], column_order [sql_variant], column_name [sql_variant], column_datatype [sql_variant],

    column_length [sql_variant], column_precision [sql_variant], column_scale [sql_variant], column_allownull [sql_variant],
    column_default [sql_variant], column_description [sql_variant])


    table AdminDB.dbo.TRN_TableSchema -- truncate any existing data from previous runs.





    @table_name nvarchar(128)


    Nocount ON


    tablenames_cursor CURSOR FOR

    SELECT name FROM sysobjects where type = 'U' and status > 1 order by name
    OPEN tablenames_cursor
    FETCH NEXT FROM tablenames_cursor INTO @table_name


    into AdminDB.dbo.TRN_TableSchema

    obj.[name] AS 'table_name', col.colorder AS 'column_order', col.[name] AS 'column_name',
    typ.[name] AS 'column_datatype', col.[length] AS 'column_length',
    CASE WHEN typ.[name] = 'decimal' THEN CAST(col.[prec] AS nvarchar(255)) ELSE '' END AS 'column_precision',
    CASE WHEN typ.[name] = 'decimal' THEN CAST(col.[scale] AS nvarchar(255)) ELSE '' END AS 'column_scale',
    convert(varchar(254), rtrim(substring(' YES',(ColumnProperty (col.id, col.name,'AllowsNull')*3)+1,3))) as 'column_allownull',
    ISNULL(com.text,'') AS 'column_default',
    ISNULL(ext.value,'') AS 'column_description'
    FROM sysobjects obj
    INNER join syscolumns col on obj.id = col.id
    INNER JOIN systypes typ ON col.xtype = typ.xtype
    LEFT join ::FN_LISTEXTENDEDPROPERTY(N'MS_Description', N'user',N'dbo',N'table', @table_name, N'column', null) ext on col.name = ext.objname collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
    LEFT OUTER JOIN syscomments com ON col.cdefault = com.id
    WHERE obj.name = @table_name AND typ.[name] <> 'sysname'
    ORDER BY col.colorder
    FETCH NEXT FROM tablenames_cursor INTO @table_name







    * from AdminDB.dbo.TRN_TableSchema order by table_name -- Look at the results



    -- Differences between existing fields


    'PRD ' as 'PRD ', 'TRN ' as 'TRN ',

    a.table_name, a.column_name, a.column_dataType as 'PRD_FieldType', b.column_dataType as 'TRN_FieldType',
    a.column_length as 'PRD_length', b.column_length as 'TRN_length', a.column_order as 'PRD_Column_Seq', b.column_order as 'TRN_Column_Seq',
    a.column_allownull as 'PRD_Nullable', b.column_allownull as 'TRN_Nullable', a.column_scale as 'PRD_scale', b.column_scale as 'TRN_scale',
    a.column_precision as 'PRD_precision', b.column_precision as 'TRN_precision', a.column_default as 'PRD_default', b.column_default as 'TRN_default',
    a.column_description as 'PRD_description',b.column_description as 'TRN_description'


    AdminDB.dbo.PRD_TableSchema a


    AdminDB.dbo.TRN_TableSchema b

    on a.table_name = b.table_name
    and a.column_name = b.column_name
    and (a.column_dataType <> b.column_dataType -- Data type mismatch
    or a.column_length <> b.column_length -- Field length mismatch
    or a.column_order <> b.column_order -- Column order different
    or a.column_scale <> b.column_scale
    or a.column_precision <> b.column_precision
    or a.column_default <> b.column_default
    or a.column_description <> b.column_description
    or a.column_allownull <> b.column_allownull) -- nullable


    -- Find missing fields. In PRD but no TRN


    'PRD no TRN', PRD.table_name, PRD.column_name


    AdminDB.dbo.PRD_TableSchema PRD


    AdminDB.dbo.TRN_TableSchema TRN on PRD.table_name = TRN.table_name


    outer join DBAdmin.dbo.AdvDbTrn_TableSchema TRN2 on PRD.table_name = TRN2.table_name and TRN2.column_name = PRD.column_name


    TRN2.column_name is NULL


    by PRD.table_name, PRD.column_name


    by PRD.table_name, PRD.column_name


    -- Find missing fields, in matching tables. In TRN but no PRD


    'TRN no PRD', TRN.table_name, TRN.column_name


    AdminDB.dbo.TRN_TableSchema TRN


    AdminDB.dbo.PRD_TableSchema PRD on PRD.table_name = TRN.table_name


    outer join DBAdmin.dbo.PRD_TableSchema PRD2 on PRD2.table_name = TRN.table_name and TRN.column_name = PRD2.column_name


    PRD2.column_name is NULL


    by TRN.table_name, TRN.column_name


    by TRN.table_name, TRN.column_name

  • Thanks for the response, and for the scripts.  I will be looking at them carefully with the next five days (probably weekends included )

    No, the databases are not on the same server, in fact, it gets a bit more complicated.  The source DB is on a mirrored pair of hosts (done with EMC RepliStor), file level mirror,  active/passive configuration, and the target site is in Arizona connected with a T3 line.

    To further complicate matters, the Reporting Services are installed in a funky way to keep from having to pay for an enterprise license.  You can't connect two sets of processes to one set of RS databases without enterprise edition - so when I replicate the RS DBs, I will also have to figure out which ones to point to in Arizona - where there is just one pair.

    Okay, TMI...

    But, believe me, your help is appreciated very much.


    David Russell
    Any Cloud, Any Database, Oracle since 1982

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