OLAP Remote backup

  • <Backup xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/analysisservices/2003/engine">


    <DatabaseID>Adventure Works DW</DatabaseID>


    <File>Adventure Works DW.abf</File>


    I use the above script within a SQL Agent job to backup my OLAP database on a OLAP server which has SQL Server and Analysis services installed

    . I have another server which just has AS installed how do I go about automating backups on this server.

    Can I get the SQL agent job to connect to the server and do a backup.

  • Bobby,

    Of course you can, when setting up an Analysis Services Command Job, you apply a value for the server. This is in the form: "Servername\InstanceName". The server can be the localhost or every server accessible by the SQL_Server_Agent process. Be aware that credentials running the job need appropriate rights to do the backup on the remote server.

    Regards Kees

  • Thank, but what do I use for the TAG name.

  • See attached doc, this is an example of a SQL-Server-Agent Job step

  • Thanks, I did try that I must of been doing something wrong with the server name.

    I'll try again.

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