Ok..now my charts are moving when I preview the reports?!

  • Hello,

    I've placed a small table on the designer. I've placed two charts under the table.

    Starting from the left, I have a chart. Next to it, another chart. Just two regular bar graph charts with one series each.

    When I preview it, the one on the left stays in the same spot. The chart next to it has moved to the far right margin as if it is right justified?

    Crystal Reports had WYSIWYG and I could move things in preview mode. I can't move the chart in preview mode.

    Any ideas why in design the charts are right next to each other and when I run the report, one chart jumps to the far right margin.

    Thanks to those that have pointed me in the right direction for this migration project. I am almost finished. Creating the reports with charts is one of the last type of reports to migrate. Then I will migrate the reports with sub reports.


    Things will work out.  Get back up, change some parameters and recode.

  • Any chance you have the data region for the chart on the left set with a much larger margin, background etc than actually needed? OR the cell that contains the right chart is right aligned?

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