ODBC Source into Data Flow Activity

  • I would like to work with an ODBC source in Azure Data Flow. However I understand that ODBC is currently not a supported Data Source.

    It was recommended on the Microsoft website that I move the data into into a supported data source and then use that in the Data Flow. Does anyone know of a data source which would be best suited for this? I want to do a comparison of the ODBC data with data from Azure SQL and delete all the records not present in the ODBC source.

    Please let me know of any suggestions


  • Thanks for posting your issue and hopefully someone will answer soon.

    This is an automated bump to increase visibility of your question.

  • Help me to better understand your question.  What is the external database?  That will dictate what driver you may use.


  • Thanks for the response. The odbc source is an intersystems cache database

  • Since there's no ODBC driver support available in Azure (to my knowledge), you cannot directly import from the Intersystems database.

    This is best solved from the source side.   Write an app local to the Intersystems database, write the required tables to the Azure SQL database directly into a staging area, then in Azure SQL perform a merge operation from the staged tables to the target tables.

    Another way to solve this if the database is not too large is read the Azure tables to a staging area in Intersystems, delete records in staging that are missing from Intersystems, then push the staging tables back to the Azure SQL.


  • @reluctantphilosopher thanks for the answer. I'll try to implement solution on the source side

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