ODBC Drivers: SQL Server Driver vs SQL Server Native Driver

  • Can anyone provide a good description of the differences between the two and the advantages of using one or the other? Also, Am I hallucinating but is the SQL Server Native Driver *NOT* automatically installed with Office?

  • In my experience, I get better connectivity to SQL 2008 (and 2005) using the Native Client. There have been times that using the older SQL ODBC driver simply would not connect.

    Why? I can't say. There is so little time to dig into those things that when I find something else works I simply use it.

    As for whether the Native Client installs with Office, I seem to recall that you need to specifically install the SQL Connectivity Tools (or something like that) to get it on a system without SQL Server installed. I know that is a downloadable package, but don't recall if it is one of the Advanced options in the Office install.

  • The question came up related to this post in an Access forum with some rather funky things happening after SQL Server generates an email.


  • It is my experience that SQLNCLI has better error handling and reporting than either ODBC or OLEDB. Therefor I would recommend using it if you have the choice. If you need to take advantage of 2005 datatypes, MARS and other things you will have to use it.

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