ODBC Connection Problems

  • ok, have an interesting problem here. I have been tasked with pulling information from our mainframe to sql server 2005. We have an odbc provider that works from asp.net web calls. Here is the problem.

    In SSIS, I setup a ODBC connection, then an ADO.net conn referencing that odbc connection (as per all the other post of it being fubar hitting an ODBC from a datareader). I put in the procedure call.

    Problem is no fields are generated in the column mappings. How is this tab generated, and what does it need to generate? the procedure call is like a stored procedure call.

    Call something('params')

    Any help would be great.


  • You can try to change the driver and use OLE DB replacely, it will wotk more better and quicker than normal ODBC.

    good luck.

  • Well we found an answer. We cannot make procedure calls to the Shadow driver, (you can however from the web I am told by our other developers). We were able to using a crud sql interface that Shadow provides.

    So moral of the story. Have to use a sql statement, no mainframe procedures when doing this action.

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