Obtaining current month from system date using MDX

  • Hi there,

    I am using the following MDX to default to the current month.

    tail(filter([FiscalYear].[Month].members, not


    The issue i have however, is  if there is an incorrect transaction in the system for a date in the future, or of there is budget data, this MDX will not work.  How can I use MDX to somehow point to the Current month from the System date?

    Is there a way to do this?

    e.g. Where system month = dimension time period

  • One of the ways we do it is to create a separate dimension that contains only the current period, hide it from users (visible = false) then use this value to obtain the 'correct' current month from the primary time dimension.  see MDX below


    ({StrToMember("[All Dates].[Fiscal Month Name].["+OpeningPeriod([Current Week].[Fiscal Month Name]).Name+"]")},[Measures].CurrentMember)

    The other way we have done this is to use the Now() function, also using the Month(), Year() functions (or alternatively use string manipulation) to get the pieces to form the string for use in string to member.  Further to this one, if you have a nice date key, you could just format the Now() function value (say to [yyyymmdd] -> 20041110 ) and then, assuming your time goes to day level, use the ancestor function to select the month that is an ancestor of the current day.


    Of the two approaches, we most frequently use the first one now, mainly because it is a shorter and cleaner piece of MDX to get to the current period.  Additionally, it doesn't rely on the systemdatetime of the server and/or client, which could cause issues if you were providing access across time boundaries.




  • Apologies jared, this is what we use for a calc member (located in time dim) that allows users to see current month value for any given measure(watch out for distinct count rollups tho!).

    You should be able to use the same approach, just don't put the sum function around the lot.



  • Hi steve,

    I am not sure I understand exactly what you are suggesting...

    I have created a table in SQL which holds the current period.  I have then create an additional dimension which is based on this period...

    If i have a time dimension called SalesDate, which consists of Year, Quarter, Month, Day, how do i create a calculated measure which is based on this current date....wouldn;t i need to ensure somewhere that it equals the SalesDate, otherwise no data will come through???

    Sorry, but my MDX is far from good.

  • Hi Jared,

    Forget the first way I said to do it - this works great for calculated members but not for setting the default member of a dimension.

    Below is a script for setting the default member for the Time dim within the FoodMart 2000 - Sales cube.  Taking this, you should be able to modify the script so that you specify a member either using the vbs Now() function (which will be based on the server current datetime, or alternatively you could add some more objects to the script and query a sql table, text file, whatever, to get the current member.

     Dim dsoServer 'As New DSO.Server

        Dim dsoDbDimTime 'As DSO.Dimension

     Dim dsoDB 'as DSO.MDStore

     Dim RightNow 

     Dim strNewDefaultMember


         ' Initialize server.

        Set dsoServer = CreateObject("DSO.Server") 'New DSO.Server

         ' Connect to local Analysis server.

         dsoServer.Connect "LocalHost"

         msgbox("connected to server")

     ' Connect to the right DB

     set dsoDB = dsoServer.MDStores("FoodMart 2000")

         msgbox("connected to DB")

     ' Connect to the right database dimension

     set dsoDbDimTime = dsoDB.Dimensions("Time")

         msgbox("connected to Dim")

     ' Set the current date as epr server

     RightNow = Date()

     ' Make the member string

     strNewDefaultMember = "[Time].[1997].[Q" & GetQtr(RightNow) & "].[" & GetMonth(RightNow) & "]"

     ' Set the default member

     dsoDbDimTime.DefaultMember = strNewDefaultMember

     ' Remember to update the dim


     ' Just checking 🙂


         msgbox("changed time default member")

     ' Close off the conxn and release the objects that vbs should have released already


     set dsoDbDimTime = Nothing

     set dsoDB = Nothing

     set dsoServer = Nothing


    ' ** useful little functions that stop me from writing really long lines of code....

    Function GetYear(TheDate)

       GetYear = DatePart("yyyy", TheDate)

    End Function

    Function GetQtr(TheDate)

      GetQtr = DatePart("q", TheDate)

    End Function

    Function GetMonth(TheDate)

       GetMonth = DatePart("m", TheDate)

    End Function







  • Thank you for your reply...but I am sure there must be an easier way to achieve this.

    On another forum, I was provided with the script below, which returned the correct current year:

    members("[salesdate].[year].[" + cstr(year(now()-1)) + "]")

    What I want to be able to do is the same for Quarter, Month and Day, so I can have four time members i.e.

    CurrentYear, CurrentQuarter, CurrentMonth and CurrentDay (my time dimension is a 4 level dim)...

    If the above works, then surely it can be modified to work for Quarter, month and Day....I am just not sure how to..

    Here is an example of my time dim.

    2004, Quarter 1, January 2004, 1


  • Ok, so you are looking for members to add to your time dimension, rather than setting the default member.

    To do the quarter, month and day, either look up the VBScript help (http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/script56/html/vsfctnow.asp) to see if there are quarter, month and day functions, or alternatively use the datepart function (like in the script posted earlier).  You'll still have to create the member name string though, as per the example you posted.


  • Have a look at a previous post - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/forums/shwmessage.aspx?forumid=17&messageid=139979#bm140985 and see if that helps in any way

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