object name needed

  • can anyone tell me the system table name which stores all user table names with their attribute names. As sysobjects stores table name and detals, sysindexes stores table id, rowcnt etc. similiarty is there any table which stores attrinute name of a table.'

    dont aks me to use sp_help tablename , coz it wont allow search on attribute name basis

  • Try:

    Use DBname

    select * from information_schema.columns

    Manu Jaidka

  • thanks all,

    actually i found the answer,

    use simple querry

    select c.name, c.id, o.name from syscolumns c join sysobjects o on o.id =c.id where c.name='student_name'

  • thaks manu

    ur querry worked very well

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