Object Level Backup and Restore

  • Is it possible to do object level backup in MSSQL?

    For example make a backup of only one table.

    Any tools?

    Thanks in advance for your comments.

  • The short answer is No, not an easy way.

    But what are your requirements for Backup?

    Just to keep a copy of the data as it is today?

    You could bcp, or dts it out daily to a file.

    Just use database backups, Restore DB and then use dts to restore table.

    Its lame, but sql backups do not allow object level backups.

  • If the table is placed on a separate filegroup you can backup that filegroup by itself. In SQL Server 2000 you can't do much with that though other than using it when restoring the entire database.

    However, in SQL Server 2005 you can do online piecemeal restore. This means that you restore the backup for the primary filegroup (optimally containing just system tables) to a new database and specify that the restore is a partial restore. Then you restore the backup for the filegroup that the table is stored on, and finally any log backups to restore to a point-in-time. The new database can then be used to query everything that is in the filegroup(s) that where restored. For instance you could remove the table from your original database and replace it with the restored version in the new (temporary) partial database.

  • There are 3rd party tools that will do object level backup and restore called  (liteSpeed 2005) by Imceda.



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