NOT Operator and NULLs

  • --test data
    declare @T table(a int null, b int null)

    insert @T(a, b)
    select 0, 0 union all
    select 1, 0 union all
    select 0, 1 union all
    select 1, 1 union all
    select null, null union all
    select 0, null union all
    select null, 0 union all
    select 1, null union all
    select null, 1

    select * from @T

    --1. filter for positive case, result as expected
    select *
    from @T
    a = 1 or b = 1

    --2. filter for positive case, result the same as above
    select *
    from @T
    isnull(a, 9999) = 1 or isnull(b, 9999) = 1

    --3. filter for negative case, result NOT as expected
    select *
    from @T
    not (a = 1 or b = 1)

    --4. filter for negative case, result as expected
    select *
    from @T
    not (isnull(a, 9999) = 1 or isnull(b, 9999) = 1)

    What is happening in 3. above? I'm thinking it's because a row that the OR evaluates to UNKNOWN is then NOT'd, and NOT(UNKNOWN) is UNKNOWN - the UNKNOWN is not negated?

    Just come across this with some real data, and slipped up because 1. and 2. are equivalent, and the problem only arises when using the NOT.

    Thanks in advance for any advice.



  • not (a = 1 or b = 1) is equivalent to a <> 1 and b <> 1 which is only True for the row where both a and b are zeros (in your example data set).

    --Vadim R.

  • Yes, when you re-arrange to that - remove the NOT - the result in 3. makes sense.

    I find it difficult to see it with the original: not (a = 1 or b = 1).

  • I hear you, it's tempting to think that it will negate 5 rows selected by a = 1 or b = 1 and return the other 4. But in fact, SQL Server converts it to  a <> 1 and b <> 1. If you enable actual execution plan in SSMS, you can see that.

    --Vadim R.

  • AND and OR treat UNKNOWN as FALSE, and the result is what I'd expect from the WHERE clause. But this is not the case with NOT and UNKNOWN. To avoid an unexpected result (at least to me) when you have a NOT, the NULLs must be handled, such as in 4. above.

    Might be laboring the point, but I fear I've made this mistake more than once and not noticed!

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