NOT IN on Null value returns incorrect results

  • I run this qry across a number of servers however if the database server doesn't have a NASA and NASA_Prod database, returning nulls, the query falls a part. I can fix it by moving zero when null.

    I'm confused why if x is 5 would this record not be true?

    select * where x not in (1,2,3,,)

    Actuall code

    declare @ex_db1 int

    declare @ex_db2 int

    declare @ex_db3 int

    declare @ex_db4 int

    declare @ex_db5 int

    select @ex_db1=db_id('DBA_Audit')

    select @ex_db2=db_id('tempdb')

    select @ex_db3=db_id('DBA')

    select @ex_db4=db_id('NASA')

    select @ex_db5=db_id('NASA_Prod')

    SELECT distinct

    substring(ServerName,1,20) as 'SQLServerName',

    substring(LoginName,1,20) as 'NTID_Name',

    substring(HostName,1,20) as 'HostName',

    FROM DBA_Audit.dbo.tbAuditUsers

    WHERE DatabaseID not in (@ex_db1,@ex_db2,@ex_db3,@ex_db4,@ex_db5)

    John Zacharkan

  • yeah the issue is db_id can return null:

    select db_id('Bob')

    i doubt you have a 'Bob' database...

    your example would actually be

    select * where x not in (1,2,3,NULL,NULL) --<<--NOT IN NULL RETURNS NULL

    you need to do something like this:

    select @ex_db1=ISNULL(db_id('DBA_Audit'),0)

    select @ex_db2=ISNULL(db_id('tempdb'),0)

    select @ex_db3=ISNULL(db_id('DBA'),0)

    select @ex_db4=ISNULL(db_id('NASA'),0)

    select @ex_db5=ISNULL(db_id('NASA_Prod'),0)


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • Doing it this way is slightly more flexible if you want to add more databases to your exclusion list:

    DECLARE @ex_db TABLE (id int)

    INSERT INTO @ex_db

    SELECT db_id('DBA_Audit') UNION ALL

    SELECT db_id('tempdb') UNION ALL



    SELECT db_id('NASA_Prod')


    SUBSTRING(AU.ServerName, 1, 20) AS 'SQLServerName',

    SUBSTRING(AU.LoginName, 1, 20) AS 'NTID_Name',

    SUBSTRING(AU.HostName, 1, 20) AS 'HostName'

    FROM DBA_Audit.dbo.tbAuditUsers AU

    WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM @ex_db WHERE (id = AU.DatabaseID))

  • Another way to think about NULL is this; NULL = NULL is false, NULL <> NULL is also false. This is why you check for NULL using IS NULL or IS NOT NULL.

    Try it out yourself:

    declare @TestVar1 int,

    @TestVar2 int;


    @TestVar1 as TestVar1,

    @TestVar2 as TestVar2,

    case when @TestVar1 = @TestVar2 then 'Null = Null'

    when @TestVar1 <> @TestVar2 then 'Null <> Null'

    else 'Null = Null and Null <> Null do not work'


  • Another way to think of it: NULL isn't a value in a column, it's the status of a column (the absence of a value).

    Here is one of many articles discussing the subject.


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

  • Very well said Lynn it comes back to me like a sledge hammer.

    Guys thanks for the responses Andrew I like your idea of Union into a table var and will incorporate that code.

    John Zacharkan

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