No report data using Report Manager

  • We have been using report Manager for a couple months with no problems. Now, none of the reports generate any data (only report header). all reports are using SQL Database and SQL Analysis Services data sources.

    When in BIDS environment, I can preview the report and everything shows up. Only when I deploy and try using Report Manager does it give no data.

    One thing that has happened since it stopped working is the Analysis Services cube was deleted from Sql Server and then re-deployed.

    All the data sources on the report Server use a single domain account to run (which is enabled). I am guessing since BIDS is using my domain account it pull data, but I can't figure why Report Manager is all of a sudden giving problems.

    Any help would be much appreciated .. I am getting deparate.

  • Not sure this will make any difference, but have you recreated the datasources?

    Also, are you sure that when the olap database was recreated the user account was created and assigned the same privileges on the olap database as before?

  • I found your post today because I was searching for a solution to the exact same problem. I can view the data in my report in BIDS but there is no data, just a report header in report manager.

    I dropped and recreated the datasource in report manager, dropped and uploaded the report to report manager. I regenerated the stored procedure to make sure that it was in place on the server, and made sure that the datasource was pointing to that server and db. I was so sure it was a problem in report manager.

    It turns out (for me anyway) that the issue isn't in report manager, but in the report preview BIDS. I had previewed the report in BIDs yesterday, then made a change in the underlying data this morning. When I run the stored procedure in a query analyzer window today, no rows are returned. However, I am seeing lots of rows in my preview pane in BIDS. The sp results must be cached from yesterday and that must be what I am previewing. The data only disappeared in BIDS after I set one of the input parameters to a new value. Until I did that, hitting the view button in BIDS with the default values still returned the cached data.

    Your original post was over a month ago, so I'm assuming that you have already resolved your issue. I'm replying in case someone else like me new to SSRS runs into the same issue - it was driving me crazy this morning trying to resolve it! Your post in this forum was the only place where I found my exact same question.

  • Turns out my problem was just that .. the cache. I deleted the .DATA files in my project folder and all is well. It was frustrating to say the least. Thanks for the replies.

  • In such scenario's it is best to delete the RDL's already deployed on report server and re-deploy them again.

    Raunak J

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