No More Foreign Keys?

  • I was scheduled to interview Eve years ago as they moved to SSD storage very early in the technology's life. I couldn't get through to them as the CIO kept moving the call. However they were on SQL Server at that time. For how much of their stuff, I have no idea.

  • Steve Jones - SSC Editor (9/8/2015)

    I was scheduled to interview Eve years ago as they moved to SSD storage very early in the technology's life. I couldn't get through to them as the CIO kept moving the call. However they were on SQL Server at that time. For how much of their stuff, I have no idea.


    I've tried a few times myself. I'm a huge fan of theirs. I've been playing their game for I guess over 10 years now with about 5 different accounts.

    I know they have a fierce team with some fierce challenges with their data.

  • I'd like to try the game. It sounds like my kind of epic item, but I have no time. As it is, I can't keep up with things I want to get done.

  • What a ludicrous blog post...and a sensible Editorial response.

    A database might not need Foreign Keys but a RDBMS is less without them.

    The blogger says "There’s a hint that your system is not as stateless as it should be" which I would counter that there is no way a database should be stateless although your service should be.

    He goes on to say "having two systems share the same database on different is a big mistake" leading to "the database, is served as part of an application instead of a separate integration piece". Oh how we would all love it if we could have an isolated data source for each application!!! This would only lead to rather complex data synchronisation issues.

    The blog reads like the developer has just swallowed a bunch of "agile" posts on continuous delivery and DevOps in general and I would be amazed if he has ever worked in the enterprise arena. He certainly doesn't understand the complexity of enterprise data and doesn't have a clue as to the requirements of many, many businesses.


    -- Stop your grinnin' and drop your linen...they're everywhere!!!

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