[newbie] [error] Incorrect Syntax near the Keyword

  • I was getting an error when I tried to execute an INSERT statement from my code and it does not appear to be a bug in my code (although it might be); I'm presuming it is fixed for SQL Server 2005, is it?

    Any relevant info would be appreciated.

    Error message:

    Incorrect Syntax near the Keyword

    Related links:


  • can you post the insert statement, there is something wrong on the syntax according to the error 🙂

  • Well this is the CommandText passed from Visual Studio. Any idea how to get the SQL statement from Management Studio, if at all possible?

    "INSERT INTO [teamwiki].[dbo].[task]\r ([category_FK1]\r ,[sub_category_FK2]\r ,[task_description]\r ,[priority_FK3]\r ,[status_FK4]\r ,[ideal_delivery_date]\r ,[latest_delivery_date]\r ,[task_deadline]\r ,[request_date]\r ,[requesting_user]\r ,[assigned_to]\r ,[managed_by]\r ,[implementor_notes]\r ,[attachment] \r ,[last_update]\r ,[in_use]\r VALUES @category, \r @sub_category,\r @task_description,\r @priority,\r

    @status, \r @ideal_delivery_date,\r @latest_delivery_date,\r NULL,\r GETDATE(),\r @requesting_user,\r NULL,\r NULL,\r NULL,\r NULL,\r @in_use,\r @product)"string

  • What you can do in VS is build that up as a string, assign it to a variable, do a debug.print (or equivalent) to get the string that will be executed, and after that pass that variable to whatever method is doing the DB call./

    So, (pseudocode):

    string sSQL = "Insert into "

    sSQL = sSQL & ... // build up SQL statement here

    debug.print sSQL

    sqlCmd.ExecuteNonQuery sSQL

    That said, I believe your problem is that you're missing two brackets. One after the column list, one straight after the values keyword. As follows...

    "INSERT INTO [teamwiki].[dbo].[task]\r











    ,[attachment] \r



    VALUES (@category, \r




    @status, \r











    @product)" string

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • Indeed, thx


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