new computer

  • I'm a dba, and the company is ordering a new computer for me for my daily work, for the old one has to be used for some other purpose.

    The current order is using company standard windows 7, 32 bits , about 250 gb hard drive. 4 gb RAM.

    I wonder if 64 bits would be better for me, I know if I use 64 bits, then I need 8 gb RAM too.

    But some people told me that company is using 32 bits as standard, may be some software will not compatible.

    The software I really cares is sql server developer version, and also visual studio, etc.

    Any suggestions to still keep 32 bits, or go for 64 bits.


  • As a client machine either will work. If you're processing massive databases on your desktop, then 64-bit may be of use, but for normal applications (including SQL management tools), 32 bit is still fine.

    If the company's standard is 32-bit because of compatibilities (like VPN clients), then you likely won't have a choice in the matter.

    You do not need 8GB on a 64-bit desktop. I have 2 64-bit machines, one has 2GB memory (normally 4), one has 3GB

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

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