Need to create a new column by dividing 2 columns in the query

  • I have the following query that displays 2 values. I want to add a column with the percentage ([Providers With Security]

    /ProviderTotal) * 100

    SELECT (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT NPI) FROM HS140_Rpt_Tmp_ForSummary WHERE Market = s.Market) AS ProviderTotal,COUNT(DISTINCT NPI) AS [Providers With Security]

    FROM HS140_Rpt_Tmp_ForSummary s

    WHERE s.[Security] = 'Yes'

    GROUP BY Market

    How can I do this?

  • Here's one solution. Excuse my simplistic sample data. I wasn't sure by what conditions an NPI might not be distinct, so I included some duplicates to demonstrate that they would only be counted once, since you did include the distinct keyword in your query.

    - Adam

    with HS140_Rpt_Tmp_ForSummary as


    SELECT'Mkt1' as Market, 'ASDF'as NPI, 'No' as [Security]

    unionSELECT'Mkt1' as Market, 'qwerty'as NPI, 'Yes' as [Security]

    unionSELECT'Mkt1' as Market, 'qwerty'as NPI, 'Yes' as [Security]

    unionSELECT'Mkt1' as Market, 'qwerty'as NPI, 'Yes' as [Security]

    unionSELECT'Mkt2' as Market, 'zxcv'as NPI, 'Yes' as [Security]

    unionSELECT'Mkt2' as Market, 'A1B2C3'as NPI, 'No' as [Security]

    unionSELECT'Mkt2' as Market, 'FooBar'as NPI, 'No' as [Security]



    COUNT(DISTINCT NPI) AS ProviderTotal

    ,COUNT(DISTINCT case when s.[Security] = 'Yes' then NPI else null end) AS [Providers With Security]

    ,COUNT(DISTINCT case when s.[Security] = 'Yes' then NPI else null end) * 1.0 / COUNT(DISTINCT NPI)

    FROM HS140_Rpt_Tmp_ForSummary s

    GROUP BY Market

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