Need SSIS package CreatorName listing

  • I need to derive a list of all SSIS Pkg's by Name and CreatorName.

    This link: mentions "Identification" which includes the CreatorName.

    Any idea which Catalog table in SQL 2012 contains the CreatorName?

    We're using SQL 2012 Enterprise. We're also deploying to the SSISDB in the Integration Services Catalog.

    (I found a table in msdb called SSISDB.internal.packages .. but it does not contain the CreatorName)

  • this sufficed although it does not list the packages inside projects:

    SELECT SUBSTRING(Name, 1, 45) as Name,

    SUBSTRING(Deployed_By_Name, 1, 20) as Deployed_By_Name,



    FROM [SSISDB].[catalog].[projects]

    ORDER BY Name, Deployed_By_Name

  • based on some ideas gained from

    the following query shows the inital part of what is stored in the packagedata column  of msdb.sysssispackages table

            , convert(varchar(max),convert(varbinary(max),packagedata)) as PkgData
       FROM  msdb.dbo.sysssispackages -- sql 2008
       --WHERE SUSER_SNAME(ownersid) <> 'sa'
         where name like 'test%'

    Copying the output from PkgData shows the DTS:CreatorName="xxxx\yyyy" so you could parse the CreatorName from the packagedata column.

    This may vary by SQL version and where you store the data.

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