Need Some How-To Advice in Yukon

  • 1) In SQL Server 2005 Management Studio Object explorer, I do not see the Master, Model or Msdb databases.  My options are not set to hide system objects.  Though I don't really NEED to browse through these databases, is this a setting and if so, where is it?

    2) SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Manager allows a "hands on" view (and touch) of table data, with a right-click and "open".  Where is this available in 2005?  A query works but it's not the same feel as a quick view through EM.






  • OK, as of 9:15 a.m. today in sunny California, there are 30 views on my question but no replies!  Come on, SOMEONE must have some advice on this..... maybe I should post this in the T-SQL forum for better response?

  • If you expand the instance you are managing, you should see a node called "Databases > System".  When I do this I see the system db's (master, model, msdb).  Can you expand those nodes on your machine and send back a screenshot of what it looks like?  Also what version of SQL are you running?

    Thx, Niko
    SQL Setup Test Team

  • Thank you for your response, Niko. In the interim I discovered the system db's (duh! Must have been blind the day I posted that question...). I posted in the Yukon Development forum as well (though I don't normally double-post, but I had not at that point received any response), and received a response on the "hands-on" question. I am working with beta 2, and apparently enough complaints were received that this feature was added in later versions (respondant was using IDW11 which is post-Beta2, pre-Beta3). Here is the link:

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