Need Help with SQL statement

  • As you see, I have 2 tables: A product table, and a Monthly Inventory/Cost table.

    Product table keeps product information while the monthly inventory/Cost table keeps monthly inventory and Cost information.

    Each time our inventory or cost change, we inserted new QTY, Cost, UpdateDate into monthly inventory/Cost table. For example, if you look at

    SKU # 1000 in the monthly inventory/Cost table, you will see that on 6/1/2001, the QTY is 1580 and the Cost is 2.1 . Then

    on 7/19/2001, the QTY is 3000 and the cost is 5 . And on 8/19/2001, the QTY is 2500 and the Cost is 5.6 .

    I want to see the QTY, and Cost as of '8/20/2001 2:26:57 AM' So I execute this SQL statement,

    Select p.sku, name, Quantities price, QTY, Mi.Cost, UpdateDate from product p inner join MothlyInv Mi on p.sku = Mi.sku Where UpdateDate <= Cast('9/20/2001 2:26:57 AM' as datetime)

    And the Result is:


    1000Voxom Axle Pegs158015802.10002001-06-01 14:59:43.000

    1000Voxom Axle Pegs158030005.00002001-07-19 14:59:43.000

    1000Voxom Axle Pegs158025005.60002001-08-19 14:59:43.000

    The result shows all 3 SKU which have UpdateDate <= '9/22/2001 2:26:57 AM', but I only want 1 SKu which is closest to '9/20/2001 2:26:57 AM'.

    My Boss wants to be able to type in a date, and the System shows him the Current SKU,NAME,Price,QTY,Cost as of that date.

    Would someone please help me to rewrite the above SQL statement. I really appreciate your help

  • Sorry, I forgot to explain. I want to be able to show all SKU, not just Sku + 1000 . So, Select TOP 1 wouldn't work

  • try this query

    SELECT p.sku,, p.Quantities, p.price, M2.QTY, M2.Cost, M2.UpdateDate

    FROM product p


    SELECT Sku ,

    MAX(UpdateDate) As UpdateDate,

    FROM MonthlyInv

    WHERE UpdateDate <= CONVERT(datetime,'9/20/2001 2:26:57 AM')

    GROUP BY Sku

    ) As MonthlyInventories

    INNER JOIN MonthlyInventories As M1 on p.sku = M1.sku

    INNER JOIN MonthlyInv As M2 on M1.sku = M2.sku AND M1.UpdateDate = M2.UpdateDate

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