Need help with complex query

  • Can somebody help me with the following query, I'm trying to combine the two rows so that only one row shows per "PayTransID" value


  • Can you post your query.. Thant might help.

  • Sorry,

    the picture in the message above was meant to include a screen shot of the query builder. I won't have access to the pic again until tonight. I will repost the screenshot then.



  • Generally speaking you will need to read the same file back in for a second time.  For example:

    Select name, title, sex, hair, t1.sexdesc, t2.hairdesc

    From dbo.personel as P

       INNER JOIN dbo.DESCTBLE as T1 on =

       INNER JOIN dbo.DESCTBLE as T2 on =

    The description table is read in twice and the numeric codes are matched.  This will result in having multiple descriptions on each row. 


  • Hop you were trying to do this:

    --Sample Data

    Create table Ppl(PPLname varchar(100), title varchar(100), sex char(1), hair char(50))

    Create table DESCTBLE (Code nvarchar(50), CodeDesc char(255))

    Insert into Ppl

     select 'AAA','Mr A','M','Black'


     select 'BBB','Mr B','M','Brown'


     select 'CCC','Ms C','F','Brown'


     select 'DDD','Ms D','F','Black'

    Insert DESCTBLE

     select 'M','Male'


     select 'F','Female'


     select 'Black','Black Color'


     select 'Brown','Brown Color'


     select 'Blue','Blue Color'

    Here is your query


    Select PPLname, title, sex, hair, t1.CodeDesc, t2.CodeDesc

    From dbo.Ppl as P

       INNER JOIN dbo.DESCTBLE as T1 on = T1.Code

       INNER JOIN dbo.DESCTBLE as T2 on = T2.Code

  • Here is the screen shot:


  • Any ideas folks? I refuse to be beaten on this one, and I'm 99.9% certain its "do-able!"

  • Could it have something to do with the joins?

  • have you tried it with inner joins instead of outer joins?



    Check the following link if interested:


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