Need help with a SQL Query

  • Hi,

    I need help in writing a query.

    I have two tables : Report and Questions

    Report contains ReportID, ReportName

    Questions contains ReportID, QuestionID and QuestionName

    User will select ReportName from an Application. He may chose to select multiple reportnames at the same time.

    What i want the query to return is a list of all the questions that are common to all reports.

    So if reportid 1 contains questionids 1,2,3 and reportid 2 contains questions 2,3,4 then when this query is passed reportids 1 and 2, it should return questionids 2,3 only.

    Any help will be much appreciated.

  • Please provide sample data scripts. The link below will show you how to do this.

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • You gotta give some test data in a consumable format (sorry if you are just asking for a direction/suggestion only?)

    Edit: Sorry, dint see the post from Chris.


  • Additionally to the test data it would be nice to how you'd provide those multiple reportids (e.g. comma separated, table, xml aso).

    Basically, being a little more specific what you mean by

    then when this query is passed reportids 1 and 2

    A pessimist is an optimist with experience.

    How to get fast answers to your question[/url]
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    Links for Tally Table [/url] , Cross Tabs [/url] and Dynamic Cross Tabs [/url], Delimited Split Function[/url]

  • Something like this is what you may be needing. Need to know how the list of report id's is being passed back to the database, is it a comma separated list that needs to be parsed?




    dbo.Report rpt

    inner join dbo.Questions qt

    on (rpt.ReportID = qt.ReportID)

    inner join dbo.DelimitedSplit('RptID1,RptID2',',') ds -- This is a in-line table valued function

    on (rpt.ReportID = ds.Item) -- ds.Item may require conversion to properly work

    Also, I am not posting the code for the DelimitedSplit function at this time as it has been posted several times in other threads. In addition, if you search SSC for split functions, you will also find other possible routines as well.

  • This is indeed a very interesting question and I tried my hand on it too. Here's the table creation script:

    create table questions (reportid int,questionid int)

    insert questions

    select 1,1

    union all

    select 1,2

    union all

    select 1,3

    union all

    select 2,2

    union all

    select 2,3

    union all

    select 2,4

    and here's the query to get the required output:

    select distinct questionid from questions D where D.questionid not in

    (select A.questionid from (select distinct questionid from questions) A cross join (select distinct reportid from questions) B

    left join questions C on A.questionid = C.questionid AND B.reportid = C.reportid

    where C.reportid is null)

  • Since the user selects only some of the reports, you may have to put the filter in the query too

    select distinct questionid from questions D where D.questionid not in

    (select A.questionid from (select distinct questionid from questions where reportid in (1,2)) A

    cross join (select distinct reportid from questions where reportid in (1,2)) B

    left join questions C on A.questionid = C.questionid AND B.reportid = C.reportid

    where C.reportid is null)

    and D.reportid in (1,2)

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