Need help on Drill Down in SSRS

  • [font="Tahoma"]

    Hello Friends,

    I have created an RDL and included row groups and the report is a Drill down report. I created the RDL and I am able to preview the report with the Drill down buttons without any issues. But when i export the report to an excel sheet, the drill down does not happend sequentially. When i click the first Expand button, all the columns are drilled down. But it is working fine properly in the preview page where the drill down is happing sequentially. I have attached the screenshots of the RDL Desing and the Exported excel sheet.

    I would also like to know how to format the RDL such that the expand and collapse buttons in the report generated shoudl work like the one mentioned in the screenshot [Drill Down]. It works in such a way that the Expand button moves to right when ever you expand.

    Your help would be appreciated.




  • [font="Tahoma"]

    Hello Friends,

    I got the help from my colleague and I am able to create the drill down in the format as present in the screenshot.

    I was using Tablix and my colleague used Matrix and he had included all row groups in one single row and one column group.




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