Need for right and left outer join

  • Hi,

    just a question out of curiosity, do we really need both the outer join(Left and Right). both work in same way if we flip the position of the tables in query.

    In the below case, both teh queries will produce the same results.


    SELECT a.ColumnA, a.ColumnB, b.ColumnX, b.ColumnY

    FROM TableA a Left Outer join TableB b

    ON a.N = b.M

    Query 2:

    SELECT a.ColumnA, a.ColumnB, b.ColumnX, b.ColumnY

    FROM TableB b Right Outer join TableA a

    ON b.M = a.N

  • Well you don't need the word 'outer'

    I guess it depends, i always use left join as I like to think from the left when bulding queries, other people may be different

  • You could probably get away with it in theory, but what happens when you start getting into complex table joins where you need to differentiate LEFT and RIGHT join? It starts getting pretty messy.

    Also, how do you differentiate it from a FULL join?

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  • The only time I ever encountered a requirement for both was a hypothetical question in an interview a few years ago. If I see RIGHT JOIN in a query I've been tasked to optimise, I'll almost always make it the FROM table and shuffle the other joins around accordingly.

    Seeing both in a query is a good indication that the query was generated either by a query tool or, more likely, by "trial and error".

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • I only ever use left outer joins, never right.

    The only exception I know of that I might use a right outer join (and this is theoretical only, I've never had cause to do it) is when employing a join hint that requires a particular table order.

    Other than that I'd be happy for right outer joins to be deprecated; they serve no purpose other than to confuse.

  • By a complete coincidence the next thing I read after posting was this:

    Nested loops don't support ROJs. So there's a reason right there not to use them.

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