Need clustering advice/info for named instances

  • Hi all -

    Need some expert input here. I have setup a 2-node 2008R2 Cluster (win 2008r2) with one named instance and no default instance (Active/Passive). I did this in hopes to help manage several systems, and these systems as they are going to be mission critical. My questions are this:

    1. I'm having to adjust my naming convention, due to the requirement to needing separate Network names. As an example, HQSQL05/Instance1 is the first one I installed. I was shooting for HQSQL05/Instance2 on the second install. I'm finding that this looks as if it will not work. Is there no way to make this happen, or will i need to change the network name resource with every install?

    2. My second question has to do with how a fail-over will work. Since they will have separate data and log drives, how will the fail over work if instance1 fails? Does only one instance fail over, or does the entire system fail over? At that point does the cluster become an Active/Active cluster?

    I would appreciate any bits of info, as there doesn't seem to be much regarding these specifics.


  • robert.baird 2778 (8/10/2012)

    1. I'm having to adjust my naming convention, due to the requirement to needing separate Network names. As an example, HQSQL05/Instance1 is the first one I installed. I was shooting for HQSQL05/Instance2 on the second install. I'm finding that this looks as if it will not work. Is there no way to make this happen, or will i need to change the network name resource with every install?

    You'll need to supply a new virtual network name for each install. A virtual network name, like a computername must be unique in the Windows domain.

    robert.baird 2778 (8/10/2012)

    2. My second question has to do with how a fail-over will work. Since they will have separate data and log drives, how will the fail over work if instance1 fails? Does only one instance fail over, or does the entire system fail over? At that point does the cluster become an Active/Active cluster?

    I would appreciate any bits of info, as there doesn't seem to be much regarding these specifics.


    The instances reside in separate groups, so they are segregated to a great degree, it also depends on where the instances are located too.

    If you have a 2 node cluster and both instances run on node1 and the public network connection dies on node1 then both instances will failover

    If you have a 2 node cluster and one instance runs on node1 and another on node2, if the public nic fails on node1 the single instance will fail to node2 alongside the 2nd instance

    Make sense?


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

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