Need case expression for sql select statement

  • Hello,

    how can I write a sql select statement using case

    I have a column called type id which contains id's of 34,35,36

    I need a case expression for this in sql select statement

    -->labor amount / fresh fruits + labor amount +small supplies * 100

    for labor amount - 35

    fresh fruits- 34

    small supplies - 36

  • Please read the first article in my signature and post the missing information. We need a create table statement, some sample data and the expected outcome. Thanks

    Microsoft Certified Master - SQL Server 2008
    Follow me on twitter: @keith_tate

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  • Please find the attachment for the database records, and below is the select statement


    G.FiscalYear,G.SystemID, I.SchoolID,SUM(I.AMOUNT) as 'invoiceamt1',

    CAST (SUM(ISNULL(I.AMOUNT,0) - ISNULL(I.OtherAmount,0)) AS NUMERIC(18,2)) AS 'invoiceamt',

    datename(month,dateadd(month,MONTH(R.FundMonth),0)-1) as 'FundMonthName',

    G.SystemID+'-'+VS.SystemName as 'SystemName',I.SchoolId+'-'+VS.SchoolName as 'SchoolName',

    ReimbursementTypeID, L.LookupValueName,convert(varchar(30),G.StartDate,107) + ' to ' + convert(varchar(30),G.EndDate,107) AS 'GrantsPeriod',SC.OperatingDay

    FROM grantsystem G

    INNER JOIN request R on G.Grantsystemid = R.GrantSystemID

    INNER JOIN invoice I on R.requestid = I.requestid

    INNER JOIN SchoolConfig AS SC ON G.SystemID = SC.SystemID AND G.FiscalYear = SC.FiscalYear

    INNER JOIN vlookups L on I.Reimbursementtypeid = L.lookupid

    INNER JOIN vSchool VSon G.SystemID = VS.SystemID AND I.SchoolID = VS.SchoolID

    WHERE G.fiscalyear=@FiscalYear AND G.SystemID = @SystemId AND

    I.SchoolID=Case When @SchoolId ='0' Then I.SchoolID Else @SchoolId End AND

    MONTH(R.FundMonth)=Case When @FundMonth='0' Then MONTH(R.FundMonth) Else CONVERT(INT,@FundMonth) End

    AND R.requesttypeID = @ReqStatus AND

    SC.SchoolID=Case When @SchoolId ='0' Then SC.SchoolID Else @SchoolId End AND

    (MONTH(SC.FundMonth) = @FundMonth)

    AND (I.SchoolID=Case When @SchoolId ='0' Then I.SchoolID Else @SchoolId End )

    AND (I.IsActive=1) AND (R.IsActive=1) AND (G.IsActive=1) AND (SC.IsActive = 1)

    GROUP BY G.FiscalYear, G.SystemID, I.SchoolID, R.FundMonth,VS.SystemName,VS.SchoolName,


    ORDER BY fiscalyear, SystemID, SchoolID, r.FundMonth, ReimbursementTypeID,sc.OperatingDay,G.StartDate,G.EndDate


  • Please take the time to read the article that Keith referenced. We can't do anything with this big query you posted. We have no idea what the tables and data are like. Then you posted a picture of...well we don't know what that is. Is that sample data? Is that the desired output? What is that query supposed to do? In short, you haven't provided anywhere near enough information for anybody to be able to help.

    Here is the basic syntax for a case expression. How that might relate to your situation is anybody's guess.

    case [something to evaluate]

    when [some condition] then [some value]


    else [optional default value]



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  • Ditto what Sean said. There's many people who want to help but we just can't based on what you have provided thus far.

    That said, I am going to take a shot in the dark here... Perhaps you are looking for something like this?

    DECLARE @yourtable TABLE

    (invoiceAmt money not null,

    FundMonthName varchar(16) not null,

    SystemName varchar(30) not null,

    SchoolName varchar(100) not null,

    ReimbursementTypeID int not null,

    LookupValueName varchar(30) not null);

    INSERT @yourtable

    SELECT 3073.75, 'October', '648-Dougleas County', '0184-Dorsett Shoals...', 34,'Fruits and Veggies' UNION ALL

    SELECT 366.46, 'October', '648-Dougleas County', '0184-Dorsett Shoals...', 35,'Labor' UNION ALL

    SELECT 52.72, 'October', '648-Dougleas County', '0184-Dorsett Shoals...', 36,'Small Supply' UNION ALL

    SELECT 68.21, 'October', '648-Dougleas County', '0184-Dorsett Shoals...', 37,'Labor';

    --SELECT * FROM @yourtable;

    WITH rbtype AS


    MAX(CASE WHEN ReimbursementTypeID=34 THEN invoiceAmt END) AS fruitVeg,

    MAX(CASE WHEN ReimbursementTypeID=36 THEN invoiceAmt END) AS SmallSupply,

    MAX(CASE WHEN ReimbursementTypeID IN (35,37) THEN invoiceAmt END) AS labor

    FROM @yourtable)

    SELECT labor/fruitVeg + labor + SmallSupply * 100

    FROM rbtype;

    Note that I am using a temp variable (@yourtable) so you can copy/paste what I put together and test it locally. Again, this is a shot in the dark but might help get you closer. 😉

    Minor Edit: code alignment

    "I cant stress enough the importance of switching from a sequential files mindset to set-based thinking. After you make the switch, you can spend your time tuning and optimizing your queries instead of maintaining lengthy, poor-performing code."

    -- Itzik Ben-Gan 2001

  • Thank You so much...

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