Need advice for Parent Child insert in transaction mode

  • I have Parent child table as decribe below:

    Parent Table name = TESTPARENT

    1. counter   bigint isIdentity=Yes  Increment=1  Seed=1

    2. customer  nChar(10)

    Child Table name = TESTCHILD

    1. counter   bigint

    2. qty       numeric(3,0)


    I want to insert new record with code below:

    void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


     // Define object to catch @@indentity

     object myCounter;

       // Connect to database & open

     myConnection = new SqlConnection("Data Source=54ND1\\SQL2005;Initial Catalog=Axioma;User ID=sa; Password=sandi");


     // define transaction

     SqlTransaction myAtom = myConnection.BeginTransaction();

     SqlCommand myAtomCmd  = myConnection.CreateCommand();

     myAtomCmd.Transaction = myAtom;

     // Start insert to database with transaction mode           



      // Insert parent new record

             myAtomCmd.CommandText = string.Format("insert into TESTPARENT (customer) values ('{0}')", tbCustomer.Text);


      // Get Indentity

                    myAtomCmd.CommandText = "SELECT @@identity from testParent";

                    myCounter = myAtomCmd.ExecuteScalar();

      // insert child new record

      myAtomCmd.CommandText = string.Format("insert into TESTCHILD (counter, qty) values ('{0}', {1})",        Convert.ToInt64(myCounter.ToString()), tbQty.Value);


      // Commit transaction






                    MessageBox.Show("Data not inserted");



    I already try with 2 workstation and 1 server, that code working well (not duplicate in parent and insert right relation child parent record in child table ).

    If, i run with many many user, I am not sure that code will stay stable.

    Please advice, that code is the right way to archieve parent child relation insert table??

    I using C# and SQl Server 2005

    Thank,s and regards

    Sandi Antono

  • Why don't you create a Stored Procedure that does all of this at once?  Then within the Procedure you can use Scope_Identity() instead of @@Identity to make sure that you get the proper ID from the parent table.

    If you really don't want to use a Stored Procedure, you can proably add the 'Select Scop_Identity' to the first insert query to run it as a batch.  Then use ExecuteScalar on your first insert instead of ExecuteNonQuery and you can skip the second trip to the database.


  • Thank for your advice wayne

    Do you mean, i must change this code:

    // Insert parent new record

             myAtomCmd.CommandText = string.Format("insert into TESTPARENT (customer) values ('{0}')", tbCustomer.Text);


      // Get Indentity

                    myAtomCmd.CommandText = "SELECT @@identity from testParent";

                    myCounter = myAtomCmd.ExecuteScalar();

    with :

    // Insert parent new record

             myAtomCmd.CommandText = string.Format("insert into TESTPARENT (customer) values ('{0}')", tbCustomer.Text) + "; "SELECT @@identity from testParent";

             myCounter = myAtomCmd.ExecuteScalar();


  • I'd probably format it a little differently.  I'd also use Scope_Identity instead of @@Identity.  That's just to make sure that two different people don't get mixed up.

    myAtomCmd.CommandText = string.Format("insert into TESTPARENT (customer) values ('{0}');SELECT scope_identity() from testParent", tbCustomer.Text);

    myCounter = myAtomCmd.ExecuteScalar();


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